Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
22/6/2024 |
OCC3733 |
Richmond |
Jabiru |
J200 |
Jabiru |
3300 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: While landing, the aircraft experienced a crosswind resultin...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: While landing, the aircraft experienced a crosswind resulting in decrease in altitude from which the pilot was unable to recover. |
21/6/2024 |
OCC3732 |
Ballarat Aerodrome |
SkyStar Aircraft Corp |
Kitfox 2 |
Rotax |
582 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After conducting several circuits solo, the pilot conducted ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After conducting several circuits solo, the pilot conducted a touch and go. During the climb out on runway 18 at approx. 500 ft AGL, the pilot had a sudden power loss, then made a descending turn back to the airfield and made a mayday call. The engine then turned off completely, the pilot made a radio call to vacate all runways and decided to land late runway 18. On the glide approach, the pilot judged that they would overshoot runway 18 so they turned to runway 23/05. An aircraft was located on 23/05, due to this the pilot landed on the grass next to runway 23/05 and the landing was uneventful. |
21/6/2024 |
OCC3737 |
Brisbane |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Descent profile did not allow for tailwind and inadvertently...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Descent profile did not allow for tailwind and inadvertently clipped the CTA step. The pilot was contacted by BNE Centre and immediately steepened the descent and turned right to exit the controlled airspace. Listening to the recording it was evident that they had missed two previous attempts at contact from the controller in the previous minute as they were in the process of changing radio frequencies as the radio and airspace boundaries coincide. |
21/6/2024 |
OCC3731 |
Gawler |
SA |
Jabiru |
J170-C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The instructor was conducting training on stalls and then PF...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The instructor was conducting training on stalls and then PFL. The PFL was conducted from 3,500ft. The student undertook aircraft checks and switched the fuel pump on. They then chose a paddock and headed for it. At approx 650ft AGL, the instructor was satisfied they would make it and requested a go around. When the student pushed the throttle up the propellor stopped turning. The instructor took control and attempted to restart the engine to no avail. The instructor selected full flap and held the aircraft off as long as possible. They landed in the chosen paddock which proved to be freshly ploughed and very muddy. The aircraft came to rest upright and there was no damage or injuries. |
15/6/2024 |
OCC3730 |
Bendigo Aerodrome |
Tecnam |
P92 Echo Super |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Pilot took evasive action to avoid aircraft conducting low l...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Pilot took evasive action to avoid aircraft conducting low level aerobatics in the circuit area. |
14/6/2024 |
OCC3726 |
Kyneton Aerodrome |
Tecnam |
P2008 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On a steep landing, the pilot possibly overcorrected on roun...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On a steep landing, the pilot possibly overcorrected on round out resulting in ballooning followed by an unrecoverable stall at approximately 15 feet. Nosewheel struck the grass strip 12m from landing threshold and was torn away. Aircraft came to a full stop 36m from landing threshold.
Spoke with pilot on Tuesday 30 July 2024 @1445 and he took remedial action into his own hands by flying with an instructor the next day. |
14/6/2024 |
OCC3765 |
Jandakot Aerodrome |
WA |
Evektor |
Harmony |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: Student pilot was on their second solo to the training area....
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: Student pilot was on their second solo to the training area. Upon returning to the airfield, they became confused as to how to join the circuit. They were familiar with the downwind join for runway 24 R and flew that pattern. However, runway 06 L was in operation and even though they were told to join final they misidentified the runway and ended up joining the circuit in the wrong direction. Tower told the student pilot to turn right 180 degrees, which the student pilot did immediately. |
13/6/2024 |
OCC3725 |
Bendigo Aerodrome |
Tecnam |
P92 Echo Super |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The student landed on RWY 17 before the previous aircraft ha...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The student landed on RWY 17 before the previous aircraft had vacated the runway. |
10/6/2024 |
OCC3744 |
Taradale |
Aerochute Industries |
Hummerchute |
Rotax |
582 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: RAAus was advised that a powered parachute take-off was condu...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: RAAus was advised that a powered parachute take-off was conducted downwind and as a result the parachute did not inflate correctly. The aircraft collided with a fence and the pilot and passenger received non-life threatening injuries.
It had since been revealed by Iain Clark from SAFA that the incident was more serious than the report indicated with the pilot being knocked unconscious and then taken by ambulance to hospital while his passenger had to be airlifted by helicopter to hospital.
The pilot is now current with his BFR with paperwork submitted on Monday 5 August 2024 at 1558. Documentation to reregister the aircraft has also been submitted. |
8/6/2024 |
OCC3719 |
Rylstone Aerodrome |
Aeroprakt |
A22LS Foxbat |
Rotax |
R-912ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Taxiing aircraft into parking area, a truck was parked on the...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Taxiing aircraft into parking area, a truck was parked on the Eastern side of the parking area, the pilot moved to the left to give clearance and began a right turn when the left wing tip collided with the last tree on the western side of parking area. |
7/6/2024 |
OCC3721 |
Ingham Aerodrome |
Aerochute Industries |
Dual |
Rotax |
503 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During launch preparations, the pilot and passenger were stan...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During launch preparations, the pilot and passenger were standing at either end of the fully deployed parachute, laid out on the ground. The pilot was leaning through and over the front of the Aerochute preparing radio and navigation equipment.
A low level (landing) helicopter appeared, and flew close to the Aerochute. The downdraft from the helicopter, caused the Aerochute parachute to inflate, lifting and / or pulling the Aerochute machine violently over. |
2/6/2024 |
OCC3717 |
South Grafton Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J170-D |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot was set up on final approach, airspeeds and alignme...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot was set up on final approach, airspeeds and alignment to the runway were correct. Just before the pilot planned to touch down, the pilot felt the aircraft suddenly drop to the left and the left main undercarriage wheel hit and caused a bounce. The aircraft veered to the left and headed towards the grass runway area which was soft due to recent rain. The pilot applied right rudder and right aileron and began to apply full power. The pilot then realised that a go-around at that point could be dangerous, and the pilot pulled power off completely and turned the mags off. The aircraft continued to veer to the left and the aircraft touched the right wing on the soft ground just before the aircraft came to a stop. |
26/5/2024 |
OCC3710 |
Griffith Aerodrome |
Tecnam |
P2002 Sierra DL |
Rotax |
912 ULS2 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The instructor was conducting circuits with a student. When t...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The instructor was conducting circuits with a student. When they were satisfied the student was ready for solo circuits, they taxied off RWY 24 via TWY A into the RPT APN where they parked so the instructor could get out of the aircraft to observe the student conducting solo circuits. As the instructor stepped out of the aircraft onto the APN they noticed the nosewheel was flat. The instructor then called the LAME and ARO to report the matter. The LAME replaced the tube which had a broken valve stem. |
23/5/2024 |
OCC3709 |
Archerfield Aerodrome |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The engine ran rough with a partial power loss at 300' AGL af...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The engine ran rough with a partial power loss at 300' AGL after take-off from RWY 10R at YBAF. The pilot completed a low-level circuit and landed on RWY 10R. The engine returned to normal running when the throttle was reduced for base/final. |
23/5/2024 |
OCC3708 |
Nowra |
Jabiru |
J230-C |
Jabiru |
J230 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Recently-qualified pilot (without nav endorsement) departed Y...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Recently-qualified pilot (without nav endorsement) departed YSHL for local flight. The previous day the pilot and instructor had been to the 25-nautical mile limit to the west and southwest to view the landmarks. The pilot did not tell the instructor where they were going and the instructor was preoccupied with a de-brief of another student following a training-flight and did not ask the pilot their intentions, believing they would fly locally, do circuits, or possibly repeat the flight of the previous day on their own.
The flight-school owner tracked the departing aircraft using "FlightAware" as the aircraft was fitted with a SkyEcho device which allowed tracking. Observing the aircraft apparently about to penetrate R421B the owner notified the instructor, who then began tracking using "Avplan". Data from the "Flightaware" app was real-time, the data from "Avplan" was slightly delayed due to internet latency. The depth of penetration of R421B appeared to be approx 1-2 miles.
Both sources of tracking information clearly showed the aircraft inside R421B, at an altitude of approximate 3500-4000 feet and conducting random manoeuvres. The flight school owner attempted to contact the aircraft by handheld radio on two occasions but received no reply.
After approx ten minutes inside R421B the aircraft was observed leaving and returning to the airport. The pilot was directed to the flight school owner to be made aware of their transgression. The pilot was fully briefed on airspace boundaries and altitudes and visual landmarks to ensure adequate separation for restricted areas in future.
The flight school owner contacted the Navy to report the event and was awaiting a response at the time of filing this report. |