Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
26/3/2024 OCC3625 Murray Bridge Aerodrome SA JMB VL3TE-915 Rotax 915 iS OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft experienced gear collapse whilst taxiing.
24/3/2024 OCC3622 Moruya Aerodrome NSW TL Ultralight TL 3000 Sirius Rotax 912 U L S OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft landed on main runway 18 rolled through and taxi...
23/3/2024 OCC3666 Port Macquarie Aerodrome NSW The Airplane Factory Sling 2 Rotax 912 ULS OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On the day of the incident, the instructor had been doing a T...
22/3/2024 OCC3649 Benalla Aerodrome VIC Tecnam P92 Echo Super Rotax 912 ULS OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During a Trial Instructional Flight, the aircraft entered the...
19/3/2024 OCC3618 Tara QLD I C P Savannah Rotax 912 UL OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft experienced an immediate bad vibration following...
19/3/2024 OCC3619 The Head QLD Fisher Mk1 Rotax 582 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Enroute to destination at an altitude of 7500’ the engine red...
18/3/2024 OCC3621 25 miles North East of Marree SA Pipistrel Virus SW 100 Rotax GMBH 912 IS2 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: While cruising at 5000 ft from Lake Eyre to Arkaroola the cre...
17/3/2024 OCC3611 Muchea/Greenside Aerodrome WA Taylorcraft Aviation DCO-65 Continental A65 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The flight was with an instructor as a safety pilot. After ap...
16/3/2024 OCC3630 Sunshine Coast QLD Fly Synthesis Texan 600 Rotax 912 ULS OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Aircraft inadvertently entered the 1500ft step while on a Tri...
13/3/2024 OCC3600 Gawler Training Area SA Jabiru J170-C Jabiru 2200B OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Whilst completing solo training in the Gawler training area, ...
11/3/2024 OCC3616 Dirrabandi QLD Aeroprakt A32 Vixxen Rotax 912 ULS OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft was on a stable approach to Runway 09. The wind ...
10/3/2024 OCC3598 Narrogin WA Jabiru J170 Jabiru 2200 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The motor stopped revving after take-off. There was no power...
7/3/2024 OCC3599 Hogan Island VIC ICP Savannah VG Rotax 912S OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Severe engine vibration resulting from a detached throttle op...
2/3/2024 OCC3591 Walgett NSW I C P Savanah S Rotax 912ULS 2-01 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Radiator hose split. The pilot shut down the engine and lande...
2/3/2024 OCC3593 Bendigo VIC Tecnam P2008 Rotax 912 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot returned to the airport from a local flight and rep...