Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
21/8/2024 |
OCC3809 |
Pallamana Airfield |
SA |
xxxxvc |
xxxvvc |
20/8/2024 |
OCC3793 |
Lebrina |
Rainbow Skyreach Pty Ltd |
Cheetah XLS (Bushcat) |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Diagonal wing cross bracing wires that are under 160k...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Diagonal wing cross bracing wires that are under 160kg tension cross over and rub on the top surface of the spreader tube that separates the leading edge (front) wing spare and trailing edge (rear) spare on both wings. Over time, with wing flex during flight, rubbing by the cross bracing wires could wear and compromise the integrity of the bracing wires and/or the structural integrity of the wing spreader tube. As an outcome of this occurrence, plastic tube shielding fitted to stop rubbing to address issue. Suggestion of this solution has been passed onto the Australian agent. |
19/8/2024 |
OCC3790 |
Bendigo Aerodrome |
Tecnam |
P92 Echo Super |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: Whilst the aircraft was rolling on Runway 35, a group of gala...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: Whilst the aircraft was rolling on Runway 35, a group of galahs flew across the path of the aircraft. The propeller struck 2 birds and take-off was aborted.
RAAus continues to monitor bird strike and wildlife reports at aerodromes to ensure correct ERSA/NOTAM information is in place and to enable reporting to the aerodrome proprietor. |
17/8/2024 |
OCC3788 |
Lake Dunn Aramac |
Jabiru |
J230-C |
Jabiru 3300A |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The aircraft hit a powerline at end of the runway after the p...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The aircraft hit a powerline at end of the runway after the pilot completed a right hand circuit to approach runway for landing. |
11/8/2024 |
OCC3787 |
Wynyard Aerodrome |
Aeroprakt |
A22LS Foxbat |
Rotax |
912ULS |
Landing on bitumen, the student pilot was drifting and the tyre became pinched and went flat on cont...
Landing on bitumen, the student pilot was drifting and the tyre became pinched and went flat on contact with the runway. The tyre was down to its last 10% tread depth and this contributed to the failure. |
4/8/2024 |
OCC3781 |
Fitzroy Crossing |
WA |
Tecnam |
P2004 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The aircraft stalled at approximately 600 feet AGL, and reco...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The aircraft stalled at approximately 600 feet AGL, and recovered at about 100-150 feet AGL. The pilot turned back into wind with insufficient power applied. The aircraft became unstable and encountered some mild turbulence from a rocky outcrop nearby. The pilot realised they were flying too slowly and applied full power with slight upward attitude. The aircraft continued to sink. The pilot maintained full power but was sinking fast to stay above the trees. The pilot turned left into a clear spot, out of wind and lost airspeed. The aircraft nosed down and collided with terrain. |
4/8/2024 |
OCC3784 |
Bankstown |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS 2S |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot of the Sling aircraft was approximately six nautic...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot of the Sling aircraft was approximately six nautical miles west of Bankstown when they were contacted by Sydney control and instructed to descend immediately as they were in Sydney airspace.
Sitting right on the airspace boundary in turbulent conditions and dealing with elevated levels of traffic in and out of YSBK gave no margin for error. The pilot was familiar with the route he was flying but this time the workload was elevated and we discussed the strategy of keeping a buffer between the aircraft and airspace to have enough flexibility that should an inadvertent increase in altitude take place, airspace penetration should not occur. |
3/8/2024 |
OCC3777 |
Concordia |
SA |
Jabiru |
J-170C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: An instructor and student pilot were returning to the airfie...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: An instructor and student pilot were returning to the airfield from the training area. They were monitoring that 3 aircraft were taxiing for departure to Rollo’s field to the SE. As the inbound aircraft was approaching the Gawler Dam, the pilot of the lead outbound aircraft called that they were crossing the inbound lane at 2200'. The instructor asked his student pilot to stop descent.
The inbound aircraft was passing through about 2800' and by the time the descent was stopped they were at about 2600'. The instructor was aware of another inbound aircraft slightly behind and below them to their right. The instructor gained visual of the outbound aircraft on their right at about 1nm. The aircraft was still climbing, 90 degrees to their track, crossing from right to left. The instructor called the pilot of the outbound aircraft over the radio, confirming that they had them sighted and requested that they stop climbing. The instructor observed the aircraft commence levelling out but now the vertical separation was greatly reduced. The instructor of the inbound aircraft took control and made a sharp bank to the right to ensure separation. The two aircraft came quite close together as witnessed by the following inbound aircraft. |
2/8/2024 |
OCC3786 |
Sunshine Coast |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
The student undertook additional training in CTR area boundaries and procedures. The investigation a...
The student undertook additional training in CTR area boundaries and procedures. The investigation also identified a procedural non compliance in relation the CASA Instrument exemption that was addressed by the CFI. |
2/8/2024 |
OCC3780 |
Sunshine Coast |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
The student pilot was authorised to conduct a area solo flight in the northern training area under t...
The student pilot was authorised to conduct a area solo flight in the northern training area under the FTS solo training exemption. Despite having been assessed in prior dual training flights as competent at recognising all significant CTR boundary limits, the pilot inadvertently breached both vertical and lateral limits of the class D CTR boundary. Remedial training is to be undertaken with the CFI prior to further approved solo. The school is also developing additional training resources to assist in visual recognition of defined boundaries as part of their area training activities. |
27/7/2024 |
OCC3761 |
Cootamundra |
Tecnam |
P2008 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: Whilst the instructor and student pilot were lined up on the...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: Whilst the instructor and student pilot were lined up on the threshold of RWY 16, the pilot of a Sirius aircraft, called "entering, lining up and rolling on RWY 34" all in the one call on the CTAF. The instructor immediately responded, stating that they were lined up on the threshold of RWY 16. The pilot of the Sirius then responded, indicating they (in company with a Jabiru would hold short.
The instructor and student pilot held short for another aircraft on final for RWY 28 and took off on RWY 16 after this aircraft had landed and conducted a left-hand circuit. The Sirius lined up and departed on RWY 34, indicating they would depart upwind before departing to their destination.
Subsequently, a second aircraft, a Jabiru, called entering RWY 34 without making a taxi call. As the instructor and student pilot turned left base for RWY 16, the Sirius and the Jabiru had turned right onto crosswind RWY 34, passing them on their right whilst they were positioned on a left base for RWY 16.
Later, another Jabiru called taxiing for RWY 34 whilst the instructor and student pilot were still conducting left-hand circuits for RWY 16. The Jabiru pilot stated they would extend their upwind departure to maintain separation, however, they turned right crosswind on RWY 34 as the instructor and student pilot were on a left base for RWY 16 and passed them on their right-hand side. The Jabiru pilot reported that they had them in sight.
Departing the circuit on the upwind leg of a circuit means that you climb straight ahead to 1500 AGL or 3 NM which ever comes first before to make a turn and set course for your destination. The three departing aircraft did not do as they stated they would do and so consequently put themselves in a potential position of conflict with the aircraft conducting circuits. Spoke to one of the three pilots involved (one was now overseas and the other was not identified). It was noted however that all three aircraft had the same home base and that two of these pilots had recently completed a BFR with the same flying school at that location. Spoke to that instructor involved who knew the individuals and will speak with them and this topic will come up for discussion at their next Hanger BBQ to which these pilots are known to attend. |
25/7/2024 |
OCC3772 |
Caboolture |
Tecnam |
P92 Eaglet |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: A Tecnam P92 aircraft was inbound to YCAB from YRED. Approxi...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: A Tecnam P92 aircraft was inbound to YCAB from YRED. Approximately 1-1.5NM SE of the field at 1600ft, a P-40 Kittyhawk, passed them closely off the right wing in a descent and at speed.
OUTCOME: Spoke with the pilot of the Tecnam and he explained that when he spoke with the P-40 pilot, he found that he was new to the aircraft and not completely familiar with it just yet. A report was also made to the YCAB safety committee about the incident and this was forwarded on to Australian Warbirds. |
24/7/2024 |
OCC3768 |
Clare Valley Aerodrome |
SA |
Tecnam |
P2008 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot was starting up the aircraft which was parked outs...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot was starting up the aircraft which was parked outside the hangar facing north into wind. During warmup, the aircraft began to creep against the park brake. The pilot applied toe brake pressure which had little effect. The pilot then released the park brake and taxied to the holding point. Once the aircraft was facing south, heading towards the terminal building and holding point, the aircraft began to turn to the left which could not be countered using the right brake. The pilot realised that the continued left turn would bring the wing close to the refuelling shed. The pilot attempted to shut off the engine just as the wing struck the right corner of the shed with the prop striking the side wall and stalling the engine. |
24/7/2024 |
OCC3760 |
Somersby Aerodrome |
Europa |
Classic |
Rotax |
912S |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: At mid stage of flare approximately 1 metre above ground, th...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: At mid stage of flare approximately 1 metre above ground, the aircraft suddenly departed flare and dropped onto grass runway.
Spoke with pilot and discussed the possibility of a wind shift to a tailwind while he was in a 3-point flare which robbed him of energy at that point. |
22/7/2024 |
OCC3758 |
Tooradin Aerodrome |
Aerospool |
Dynamic WT9 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The student pilot conducted a crosswind landing on a navigati...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The student pilot conducted a crosswind landing on a navigation flight resulting in minor damage to the left-hand wheel faring of the aircraft. |