Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
23/5/2024 |
OCC3709 |
Archerfield Aerodrome |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The engine ran rough with a partial power loss at 300' AGL af...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The engine ran rough with a partial power loss at 300' AGL after take-off from RWY 10R at YBAF. The pilot completed a low-level circuit and landed on RWY 10R. The engine returned to normal running when the throttle was reduced for base/final. |
23/5/2024 |
OCC3708 |
Nowra |
Jabiru |
J230-C |
Jabiru |
J230 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Recently-qualified pilot (without nav endorsement) departed Y...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Recently-qualified pilot (without nav endorsement) departed YSHL for local flight. The previous day the pilot and instructor had been to the 25-nautical mile limit to the west and southwest to view the landmarks. The pilot did not tell the instructor where they were going and the instructor was preoccupied with a de-brief of another student following a training-flight and did not ask the pilot their intentions, believing they would fly locally, do circuits, or possibly repeat the flight of the previous day on their own.
The flight-school owner tracked the departing aircraft using "FlightAware" as the aircraft was fitted with a SkyEcho device which allowed tracking. Observing the aircraft apparently about to penetrate R421B the owner notified the instructor, who then began tracking using "Avplan". Data from the "Flightaware" app was real-time, the data from "Avplan" was slightly delayed due to internet latency. The depth of penetration of R421B appeared to be approx 1-2 miles.
Both sources of tracking information clearly showed the aircraft inside R421B, at an altitude of approximate 3500-4000 feet and conducting random manoeuvres. The flight school owner attempted to contact the aircraft by handheld radio on two occasions but received no reply.
After approx ten minutes inside R421B the aircraft was observed leaving and returning to the airport. The pilot was directed to the flight school owner to be made aware of their transgression. The pilot was fully briefed on airspace boundaries and altitudes and visual landmarks to ensure adequate separation for restricted areas in future.
The flight school owner contacted the Navy to report the event and was awaiting a response at the time of filing this report. |
21/5/2024 |
OCC3706 |
Albany |
WA |
Arion |
Lightning |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After landing and almost stopping the aircraft, the pilot app...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After landing and almost stopping the aircraft, the pilot applied power to taxi back to hangar when the nose wheel collapsed and the prop made contact with the ground. |
20/5/2024 |
OCC3707 |
Golconda |
Skyranger |
Swift |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After a routine pre-flight inspection, the pilot departed the...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After a routine pre-flight inspection, the pilot departed their home airstrip for a flight to St. Helens. While ascending to a cruising altitude, the master alarm activated on the EFIS/EMS showing a rapidly rising cylinder head temperature.
The pilot shut the engine down and achieved best glide configuration, then turned back to home airstrip. The pilot chose a paddock for landing that was flat and free from power lines, livestock or other obstacles. They initiated a glide approach, clearing the inbound fence, touched down in the normal configuration, but did not have sufficient space on the roll-out to avoid striking the fence and rolling into a shallow ditch at the opposite end of the field. |
20/5/2024 |
OCC3728 |
Archerfield Aerodrome |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: A Sling was conducting circuits on 28L when a helicopter was...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: A Sling was conducting circuits on 28L when a helicopter was instructed by ATC to track behind the Sling on their Southern Departure but failed to do so and tracked in front of the Sling.
ATC asked the Sling if they would prefer a circuit to avoid the helicopter but the Sling had the other traffic in sight and opted to continue its track.
The helicopter was approximately 400 ft below the Sling at the time of the incident. |
19/5/2024 |
OCC3705 |
Beachmere |
Aeroprakt |
A22L Foxbat |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: When returning from the Bribie Island Training Area at 1500ft...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: When returning from the Bribie Island Training Area at 1500ft AMSL, the student pilot identified what they initially believed to be another distant aircraft at 11 o’clock in the windscreen, at the same level.
Initially believing it was an aircraft outbound from YRED, they quickly realised it was a drone or similar unmanned vehicle. They were monitoring the Redcliffe CTAF 127.15 and had made an inbound radio call approximately 30 seconds prior to sighting the drone, when they were over central Beachmere. In this radio call they stated their location, height and intentions. No further radio calls were made or received prior to spotting the drone. Approximately 5 seconds passed between identifying the object, and the object passing by the left wing with roughly 20m clearance.
After landing, the instructor discussed the near miss with the student, and based off what they saw, the object/drone was thin, tubelike, roughly 1m in height, black/grey and appeared to have a green light or reflective surface and a camera attached to it.
The instructor double checked NOTAMS and could not see anything relating to high level drone activity in the area. |
18/5/2024 |
OCC3701 |
Launceston Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J160-D |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Smoke was noticed in cockpit coming from under the control pa...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Smoke was noticed in cockpit coming from under the control panel after attempting to start the aircraft. Start was unsuccessful. Battery voltage was low on voltmeter. Battery had just been changed due to aircraft not starting earlier on cold morning. On noticing smoke and ensuring master switch was off, the pilot called for firefighting assistance. |
17/5/2024 |
OCC3699 |
Ballarat Aerodrome |
Jodel |
D18 |
Suzuki |
GB13B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot of a VH registered aircraft was on final, when an a...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot of a VH registered aircraft was on final, when an almost unreadable broadcast was made on the CTAF.
After touch and go, they reported to CTAF that they were upwind and requested station broadcasting inbound say again position, altitude and ETA.
The station broadcast again but at the same time activated the AFRU and again was unreadable. A second VH registered aircraft broadcast taxi for departure and advised the inbound station that their radio was unreadable. The inbound station managed to say 4nm west. The first pilot broadcast on the CTAF they were mid downwind.
The second pilot departed and during their departure contacted the first pilot on the CTAF and advised that they had the inbound aircraft in sight tracking east and appeared to have joined a left crosswind. At this point, the first pilot had already broadcast and turned base. They advised again, they were on a right base. The first pilot amended to a full stop and requested the traffic on left downwind to maintain 2500 until they had landed and cleared the runway. The other aircraft acknowledged and complied and provided their RAAus registration.
OUTCOME - Thursday 8 August 2024 @ 1324 - Spoke with the pilot involved and he was not aware of the non-standard circuit at YBLT runway 18 until after his arrival. He claimed that he did not see that note in OzRunways as the information was not where he expected it to be. As far as his radio is concerned, he was not aware of any issues as it had been working perfectly fine and he had no complaints for others following previous transmissions he had made. He will look more closely at his radio but as far as aerodrome procedures are concerned we discussed that perhaps a more through preflight preparation might be in order to be fully conversant of destination aerodrome procedures before they are actually needed to be implemented.
Pilot has learnt from the episode and will in future be more diligent with his preparation. |
11/5/2024 |
OCC3697 |
Lilydale Aerodrome |
Aeroprakt |
Vixxen |
Rotax |
912 ULS3-01 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During flare on short field landing practice with a student, ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During flare on short field landing practice with a student, about 2 seconds before touch down, doing approx 35kts on idle rpm, a small bird moving slower crossed in front of the aircraft leading to a bird strike close to the root of the prop. Contact with the bird was almost unnoticeable, small jolt after contact.
RAAus continues to monitor bird strike and wildlife reports at aerodromes to ensure correct ERSA/NOTAM information is in place and to enable reporting to the aerodrome proprietor. |
9/5/2024 |
OCC3693 |
Warkworth |
Aeropro s.r.o |
Eurofox 2K |
Rotax |
915 iS A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During the flight, the pilot noticed a sudden audio loss on t...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During the flight, the pilot noticed a sudden audio loss on the intercom and fading/flickering of the radio digital display. Immediately after this event there was a distinct electrical "brown" smell in the cockpit. A scan of the instrument panel showed no obvious fault, apart from a monetary warning annunciator noticed. It lasted approx. 3-5 secs and is believed to have been some sort of engine/electrical warning.
During this time the intercom and radio panel returned to normal operations. No smoke or visible fumes however the brown smell was still present & the aircraft was turned to track direct for a straight in approach. Engine power was reduced to achieve the required descent, pre landing checks complete and a radio call made indicating out intention for a straight in approach.
An uneventful approach and landing occurred. The aircraft was then taxied back to the hangar during which time everything seemed to be normal.
Upon bringing the aircraft to a stop and completing the shutdown checks, it was noticed that the starter switch was "recessed" or "pressed in" and stuck in the "start" position.
A second attempt to start the engine was unsuccessful. The aircraft was then towed back to the hangar. |
8/5/2024 |
OCC3689 |
Shellharbour Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J160-C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Last landing of a BFR, a full-flap short-field landing. Aircr...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Last landing of a BFR, a full-flap short-field landing. Aircraft sank rapidly when pilot reduced power to flare at threshold. A high sink rate occurred, the instructor applied power but left undercarriage struck the runway-step. Instructor took off immediately and gently lowered the aircraft onto the runway, noticed aircraft pulling slightly to the left but taxiing without undue difficulty and brake action was normal. |
7/5/2024 |
OCC3690 |
Yakanarra Remote Community Airstrip |
WA |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A Gen 4 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After starting up the aircraft the pilot taxied out to the ru...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After starting up the aircraft the pilot taxied out to the runway. As they taxied down the runway, they performed the runups to 2000RPM. The engine performed as expected. The pilot lined up and put the aircraft into take-off configuration. They smoothly applied full power, check the engine temperatures and pressures, all were in the green. they checked that the airspeed was alive and climbing. The pilot applied a little bit of backpressure and lifted the front wheel of the runway. The aircraft took off as normal. After take-off they raised the flaps and continued to climb out. As the aircraft was climbing through 350ft AGL the engine started to cough and splutter. The pilot turned back to the airstrip at Yakanarra and set up to land back on the strip. Now with a tail wind, the aircraft was too high and would end up through the fence. The pilot then tuned again back to the runway and pumping the throttle was able to get some power out of the engine. The aircraft landed back on the airstrip safely. |
29/4/2024 |
OCC3687 |
Sunshine Coast Aerodrome |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The instructor and student departed aerodrome for CTAF and em...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The instructor and student departed aerodrome for CTAF and emergency procedures. The student made a taxi call to depart south not above 1500ft. The student had control and took off, made a right turn and tracked south. At 1500ft the student levelled off. The aircraft then continued a slight climb to 1800ft. The instructor received a call from tower requesting their altitude. The instructor replied 1800ft descending and started an immediate descent to the cleared altitude. The flight continued as normal.
Instructor provided information admitting they did not actively monitor the altitude and took responsibility for the error, and will ensure more diligence is applied for the future. |
29/4/2024 |
OCC3680 |
South Grafton Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J230-C |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot was conducting circuits and had made a downwind cal...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot was conducting circuits and had made a downwind call on runway 26. They heard another radio call stating an aircraft overhead the field at 1500 to join circuit for 08. The pilot was puzzled by this as the wind indicated runway 26. By this time, the pilot was on base leg and then proceeded onto final and landed for touch and go when they saw the other aircraft low on final on 08 directly in front of them. The pilot had to take evasive action and turn away at approximately 100 feet to avoid a collision. They then proceeded to resume their circuit. |
27/4/2024 |
OCC3678 |
Latrobe Regional Aerodrome |
Sonex |
Waiex |
Aero Conversions |
AeroVee 2.1 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Whilst attempting to take-off from runway 21, the pilot lost ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Whilst attempting to take-off from runway 21, the pilot lost control of the directional stability resulting in an increasing oscillation in forward direction. This oscillation resulted in a departure from the runway at speed to the right. The aircraft did not get airborne.
The pilot noted he was distracted with other traffic, hurried their departure as a result. They noted poor decision making led to them not following my their pre-takeoff routine. |