Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
1/12/2023 |
OCC3504 |
Freeling |
SA |
Jabiru |
J170-C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: While demonstrating turns to a student, north-east of Freelin...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: While demonstrating turns to a student, north-east of Freeling at approx. 3,500 feet, the instructor lost orientation within the training area and proximity to RAAF Edinburgh's restricted area R234. The aircraft wandered in by about one km and conducted the training activity. When the instructor looked back at Freeling, they realised they’d never seen it from that perspective and knew that they had strayed into restricted airspace. |
22/11/2023 |
OCC3496 |
Dubbo/Wings Out West Aerodrome |
American Legend |
AL3 |
Continental |
O-200-D4B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot conducted a normal approach and landing with a 5-8 ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot conducted a normal approach and landing with a 5-8 it crosswind from the left. During the latter stages of the roll the aircraft began to turn left. The pilot had relaxed slightly on the required back stick as they applied right brake to stop the left movement (they had already applied full right rudder) and the aircraft pitched over and contacted the ground on the underside of its nose.
OUTCOME: Student de-briefed by CFI to ensure that the aircraft is fully flown to standstill. Aircraft sustained minor damage to propeller and cowling which will be repaired and the aircraft will be returned to flight training shortly. |
19/11/2023 |
OCC3494 |
Gawler Aerodrome |
SA |
Jabiru |
SK |
Jabiru |
2200A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot of a Jabiru called inbound at 10nm and heard a coup...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot of a Jabiru called inbound at 10nm and heard a couple of gliders and the tug in the air. When the pilot got to Gawler Dam, they made another inbound call as per the Adelaide Soaring Club By-Law 7, at this time the tug had landed, one glider had landed and another on short final. When the pilot gave the call over Gawler Dam, they stated their intentions to track for the dead side of runway 23 to join midfield crosswind. They got no response over the CTAF. As they turned crosswind, they spotted a glider directly over the aerodrome 500ft above circuit height, spotted the pilot asked what their intentions were and got no response. The pilot tracked behind the glider and when they called that they were clear of them they responded with a “thanks” so the pilot knows they had a functioning radio. |
19/11/2023 |
OCC3495 |
Gawler Aerodrome |
SA |
Jabiru |
SK |
Jabiru |
2200A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: When an aircraft was on very short final for Runway 23 at Gaw...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: When an aircraft was on very short final for Runway 23 at Gawler, a white Toyota Commuter bus entered and crossed the runway with no radio calls. |
18/11/2023 |
OCC3526 |
Launceston |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: PIC mis read the ERSA entry for Launceston YMLT, the PIC thou...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: PIC mis read the ERSA entry for Launceston YMLT, the PIC thought outside Tower hours or when NOTAM Tower closed to use CTAF procedures, the entry states provides Class G services 8,500FT AMSL and BLW within LT CTA steps. On first inbound call the PIC was contacted by RPT aircraft to inform the PIC to contact Melbourne Centre. |
17/11/2023 |
OCC3493 |
Kingaroy Aerodrome |
Supermarine Aircraft |
Spitfire MK 25 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Runway in use RWY 23 (grass), with wind from SW at 15 gusting...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Runway in use RWY 23 (grass), with wind from SW at 15 gusting 25 knots. The aircraft backtracked for full length departure. After applying take-off power, tail raised and held at normal runway attitude. Shortly after, the aircraft travelled across a patch of thick tufts of grass causing the narrow main-gear tyres to dig in and the nose to begin a downwards pitch. The pilot applied back pressure to arrest the downward pitching moment and the aircraft subsequently became airborne. The pilot suspected that the aircraft had clipped the thick grass tufts, however all indications during the circuit were normal and no change in engine pitch was noted during the event, including no vibration felt in the propeller. Upon landing the propeller was inspected, and mild abrasion to the outer 1 inch of the leading edge propeller tips observed.
OUTCOME: High performance aircraft ground handling error resulting in possible propeller strike, but more likely the propeller impacted thick grass on take-off. Propeller has been re-moved and sent back to manufacture for inspection as a safety precaution. |
12/11/2023 |
OCC3498 |
Wallis Island |
EDRA Aeronautica |
Super Petrel LS |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Aircraft is a water hull type amphibious seaplane and was con...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Aircraft is a water hull type amphibious seaplane and was conducting a recreational flight between Wallis Island airfield and a water ALA approx. 4 miles to the SE. Immediately after take-off the engine experienced a partial loss of power and vibration at around 200 feet AGL. The pilot immediately lowered the nose and conducted fuel and ignition checks and found no improvement in response from the engine. They made a radio call on the CTAF and advised another aircraft in their group of the problem and that they would be conducting a water landing immediately south of Wallis Island.
A normal and uneventful water landing was conducted with the engine still giving some useful power and after a smooth touchdown the aircraft coasted to a stop about 50 meters from the nearest beach. The pilot switched the engine off to assess their situation and found that they were in no immediate danger. There was no damage to the aircraft and the hull was intact and the bilge pump did not activate in Automatic mode indicating that they were not in danger of sinking.
The pilot restarted the engine and found that the engine was now running smoothly. Considering their location and circumstances and with the passengers’ concurrence they attempted a step taxi to assess engine power and with the engine running smoothly at full rated power the pilot attempted a take-off, however the aircraft sustained some damage to the pro when hitting a large boat wake.
They then flew the aircraft across the lake at about 50 feet AMSL and landed uneventful again nearest the beach where they had a pre-arranged ground crew assist with trouble shooting the engine issue and effecting repairs to the prop over the next 2 hours.
With the engine and prop repaired and after several test flights were conducted and the pilot elected to fly the aircraft back to home base in Qld without further issues. |
10/11/2023 |
OCC3489 |
Gawler |
SA |
Jabiru |
J170-C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot had just conducted a practiced forced landing and w...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot had just conducted a practiced forced landing and was climbing up to 3500ft, tracking north from Lauke Mill, towards Greenock, in the Gawler Airfield training area. Around 2000 or 2500ft, a yellow and white aircraft appeared suddenly on a converging heading at what appeared to be the same altitude. The pilot turned to the left to avoid a possible collision and the yellow and white aircraft appeared to turn to the right. The next time the pilot caught sight of the aircraft, it was at a lower altitude, tracking south west. The pilot had transmitted their location and intentions on 126.5 prior to conducting the air work. No radio calls were heard from the other aircraft.
OUTCOME: Near miss recorded by RAAus after receiving OMS. Pilot completed acceptable levels of look-out to identify other aircraft in close proximity. Pilot reminded to be extremely vigilant when completing Airwork, especially for aircraft transiting the training area. |
1/11/2023 |
OCC3505 |
Jandakot Aerodrome |
WA |
BRM Aero |
Bristell S-LSA |
Rotax |
912 ULS 3 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft was outbound via YGB and climbed to A015 without...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft was outbound via YGB and climbed to A015 without a clearance. The pilot realises they should have maintained A010 until clear of CTR, unless advised otherwise by ATC. |
28/10/2023 |
OCC3564 |
Cessnock Aerodrome |
Legend |
600L |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After conducting Instructional flight and conducting an after...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: After conducting Instructional flight and conducting an after landing check, it was noted the Right Main fuel cap was missing.
The school has now implemented procedures to minimise the risk of this occurring again. |
27/10/2023 |
OCC3479 |
Serpentine Aerodrome |
WA |
Morgan Aeroworks |
Cheetah Sierra 100 |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: An unexpected loss of lift on late final resulted in a hard l...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: An unexpected loss of lift on late final resulted in a hard landing. The left wheel stub axle broke out of mounting plate causing wheel assembly to separate from the aircraft. The landing roll continued with the aircraft veering left as undercarriage leg moved through soft sand. The aircraft came to rest facing 90 degrees away from runway. |
27/10/2023 |
OCC3476 |
Devonport Aerodrome |
Aeroprakt |
A22LS Foxbat |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Between 200 and 250ft off the runway, the revs dropped back t...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Between 200 and 250ft off the runway, the revs dropped back to 4700rpm. The instructor turned left immediately and landed back on the runway.
OUTCOME: The aircraft engine was inspected, including a detailed inspection of the fuel system and no issues were found. Based on the temperature of the day, and the lack of evidence and mechanical failure, it was determined that the engine suffered carburetor icing. The aircraft has been back in service for over 40 hours without any further issue. |
26/10/2023 |
OCC3475 |
Sunshine Coast Aerodrome |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Instructor and student were conducting circuits on runway 31 ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Instructor and student were conducting circuits on runway 31 at YBSU, on 3rd circuit turning crosswind to downwind the pilot noticed a significant vibration from a rough running engine. The pilot declared a Mayday and returned for immediate landing without incident.
RAAus L2-LAME confirmed they checked and inspected the entire aircraft. They were unable to locate any faults with the aircraft but replaced the fuel pump, spark plugs and check the HT leads. The aircraft has flown a number of hours since with nil defects evident. The carbs, and bowls have been inspected and cleaned as well. L2 will continue to monitor the aircraft. |
25/10/2023 |
OCC3473 |
Port Macquarie Aerodrome |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: An instructor and student were conducting circuit training in...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: An instructor and student were conducting circuit training in a Sling 2, RWY 03 was in use, when an RPT aircraft called a straight in approach 03. The instructor gave a mid-downwind position call for RPT's and other traffic benefit.
When the RPT gave an 8-mile call, the sling 2 was approaching late downwind. It was apparent the Sling 2 could not turn base without creating a conflict. The instructor gave a call they would extend their downwind leg. The RPT called there was a traffic conflict, and at that very moment a Baron 58, passed from the Sling’s right to left in front of them approx. 150 feet above their altitude on a descending base leg. Their intention to be on final ahead of the RPT aircraft. The Sling made their base turn when they were abeam of RPT and continued with a normal approach. The Baron 58 was conducting circuit training and had been in circuit with the Sling for some time. The instructor was aware they were on a high downwind leg.
This report has been referred to CASA for their review/investigation. |
24/10/2023 |
OCC3469 |
Cessnock Aerodrome |
TL Ultralight |
TL-3000 Sirius |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During a student’s solo circuit flight they reported to the i...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During a student’s solo circuit flight they reported to the instructor via radio that on final right door popped open. The student conducted a go-around and normal circuit before returning to land safely.
OCCURRENCE OUTCOME: Student handled the situation well and was fully de-briefed on the occurrence by the instructor after landing. Student to ensure aircraft security before departure as part of pre-take off checks. |