Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
24/12/2024 |
OCC3925 |
Dunwich Airfield |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: During landing at YDUN, just on touchdown, the pilot experien...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: During landing at YDUN, just on touchdown, the pilot experienced a sudden crosswind gust, lifting the left wing. When the pilot corrected harshly with the rudder, the front gear collapsed. The pilot slipped to a standstill, dragging the nose of the plane in the dirt and also collecting a plastic marker in the process. |
22/12/2024 |
OCC3949 |
Sunshine Coast |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The aircraft was flying VFR from overhead Cooroy heading sout...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The aircraft was flying VFR from overhead Cooroy heading south to Aussie world following the VFR route to the west of Sunshine Coast Airport control zone. The aircraft was flown at 2000 Ft due to light turbulence at 1500ft. The pilot omitted the required descent to the west of Eumundi to fly beneath the 1500ft step of the YBSU control zone.
The aircraft was in the controlled airspace without a clearance for about 4 minutes before the pilot corrected the error and descended to 1400ft. The flight continued with no further issues. |
19/12/2024 |
OCC3923 |
Wedderburn Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: Whilst landing on Rwy 17 (L) close to the ground, a gust of w...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: Whilst landing on Rwy 17 (L) close to the ground, a gust of wind caught the aircraft and slewed the aircraft to the left. As the pilot corrected the aircraft, the aircraft struck the ground heavily on the front wheel causing it to balloon and skew to the right. As the pilot was close to the grass strip (17R), they chose to land and taxi out. The aircraft was taxied back to hangarage. |
17/12/2024 |
OCC3920 |
Orange Aerodrome |
BRM Aero |
Bristell S-LSA |
Rotax |
912ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: In an instructional flight, right after rotation, with the st...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: In an instructional flight, right after rotation, with the student pilot, an audible warning of the aircraft’s CO indicator system became active. Only a few seconds after their acknowledgment of the audible warning, the instructor could sense the presence of CO in the cockpit. The instructor took control of the aircraft and proceeded with a full stop landing within the remaining runway 29. The instructor notified the traffic of their situation as an air ambulance was just about to enter the active runway. The pilot acknowledged the priority call made by them and held position at the holding point. The pilots of the air ambulance checked with them, after the landing by radio as well as the ARO for any further assistance or requests which were not needed. |
14/12/2024 |
OCC3917 |
Shellharbour Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Jabiru |
22A |
While turning downwind, the pilot of the VH aircraft noticed a Jabiru aircraft across the lake and i...
While turning downwind, the pilot of the VH aircraft noticed a Jabiru aircraft across the lake and inquired about its intentions, but received no reply. The Jabiru then cut in front of the VH aircraft, joining mid-downwind as the pilot was still early in the downwind leg. The pilot of the VH aircraft asked the Jabiru pilot why no radio call had been made and if the Jabiru pilot had noticed that the VH aircraft was already on downwind, especially after a previous "turning downwind" call. The Jabiru pilot replied that they must have forgotten to press the radio button, then proceeded to turn base without making another radio call. The pilot of the VH aircraft again asked about the base call, to which the Jabiru pilot admitted they had forgotten, prompting the pilot of the VH aircraft to express that this was unacceptable. The Jabiru pilot then apologized and stated he would go around. |
11/12/2024 |
OCC3915 |
Gawler Aerodrome |
SA |
Jabiru |
J170-C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The instructor was instructing a student. Upon flaring on lan...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The instructor was instructing a student. Upon flaring on landing, the rudder violently locked to the left. The instructor grabbed the controls and pulled the control column back and added a trickle of power to stop the aircraft from bouncing. The aircraft landed 45 degrees to runway 23 with no damage or bounce.
The instructor kept kicking the right rudder pedal to get it free, the rudder pedals moved, and they taxied the aircraft to the maintenance hangar. |
9/12/2024 |
OCC3907 |
Beachmere |
Aeroprakt |
A22L Foxbat |
Rotax |
912ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The Deputy Chief Flying Instructor was conducting a flight te...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The Deputy Chief Flying Instructor was conducting a flight test with the student pilot when they experienced a near miss with a drone. They had just passed Beachmere and had begun their climb towards Donnybrook. They were passing 1600ft on climb to 2000ft and the drone passed by their right side at approximately the same level at no more than 25m from their aircraft. |
8/12/2024 |
OCC3910 |
The Oaks Aerodrome |
Anthony R Bell |
Pulsar XP/2200A |
Jabiru |
2200A |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: A gust occurred during late flare resulting in the aircraft s...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: A gust occurred during late flare resulting in the aircraft suddenly raising and dropping 3 - 4 meters. The nosewheel collapsed under the impact and the aircraft came to rest abruptly on the runway prior to the emergency shutdown procedures being undertaken. |
8/12/2024 |
OCC3905 |
Muchea/Greenside Aerodrome |
WA |
Jabiru |
J170-C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot left a flight note at base with incorrect SAR time....
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot left a flight note at base with incorrect SAR time. Time notified was 1 hour earlier that actual required SAR. Upon elapse of SAR, ground staff attempted to contact the pilot via mobile and VHF (CTAF frequency) unsuccessfully. The JRCC were notified and
15 minutes after notification to JRCC, the aircraft arrived back in CTAF. A subsequent call to JRCC was made to advise stand down. The aircraft landed without further incident. |
7/12/2024 |
OCC3916 |
Byron Bay |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot flew from YHEC to YTYH with a sightseeing orbit at ...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot flew from YHEC to YTYH with a sightseeing orbit at the Byron Bay lighthouse. The pilot did a fly over at Byron Bay, 2 weeks before, when they called Ballina and was advised that there is no need to call Ballina if flying to Byron Bay. So the pilot did not make a call. When they finished the orbit over Byron Bay and wanted to proceed to Tyagara, they were advised by a parachute dropping plane that they were dropping at target and requested them to hold. The pilot held just south of Byron Bay until advised that it was safe to come into Tyagara from the West.
The pilot of the parachute dropping plane also advised the other pilot that BNE Center had been calling them which they had missed as they were on the local frequency. The pilot called back BNE Center and were told they hadn't called them, but maybe Ballina had. By that time, the pilot was on base for landing at Tyagara and did not have time to call Balina. Once on the ground, the pilot forgot to call Ballina. |
6/12/2024 |
OCC3913 |
Sunshine Coast Aerodrome |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
6/12/2024 |
OCC3922 |
Sunshine Coast Aerodrome |
The Airplane Factory |
Sling 2 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The student and instructor missed the amendment to do a full ...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The student and instructor missed the amendment to do a full stop due wake turbulence and read back only 'cleared to land.' The ATC did not correct them to ensure they had copied the critical amendment as they are required to do. When they executed the touch n go on the 2800m runway they were not instructed to do a full stop when sighted by ATC on the remaining 2km of runway. |
4/12/2024 |
OCC3904 |
Maryborough |
Tecnam |
P92 Echo Super |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot overflew Maryborough aerodrome at 1000 ft AGL to ch...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot overflew Maryborough aerodrome at 1000 ft AGL to check that there were no signs of wildlife on runway. On short final prior to flare the pilot became aware of kangaroos within the runway strip on both sides of the runway. The kangaroos proceeded to cross the runway. A go round was performed, and they were observed in three distinct groups mostly clear of the runway. The aircraft at low level to the runway did little to scare or move them. The Aerodrome Reporting Officer then completed a high-speed run along the runway to clear the runway.
Problem began after the installation of a high security fence. The kangaroos force their way in under the fence and then become trapped inside. The AD operator is at a loss of what to do as it is a problem of their own making and culling is politically sensitive. |
3/12/2024 |
OCC3903 |
Gawler Aerodrome |
SA |
Evans Aircraft |
Volksplane VP-1 |
Rollason Aircraft & Engines |
Ardem MK 10 |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot was doing circuits at Gawler Airfield and was mid d...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot was doing circuits at Gawler Airfield and was mid downwind Runway 23 at circuit height when they heard a boom followed by seeing the canopy flung open to the right. The pilot powered back and lowered the nose, still trying to ascertain what had happened. The pilot then realised that the canopy had flung open and could not see the rear section of the canopy.
The pilot kept flying the aircraft, immediately steering towards Runway 23 and descended. They landed safely and taxied back to the hangar. After shutting down the engine and securing the aircraft, the pilot inspected the aircraft and saw that the rear part of the canopy left the aircraft. |
2/12/2024 |
OCC3902 |
Ararat |
Fly Synthesis |
Texan 600 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot was conducting circuits at Ararat on the second leg...
OCCURRENCE SUBMITTED TO DETAILS RAAUS: The pilot was conducting circuits at Ararat on the second leg of a navigation flight from Ballarat, heading north to Maryborough, then Ararat and planning to return to Ballarat. On climbing out on their third circuit, the engine stopped at about 300 ft.
The pilot elected to turn to land on the cross strip (04), but landed heavily and the aircraft flipped. |