Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
23/4/2017 OCC1018 Bathurst Airport NSW BRM Bristell Rotax 912UL The nose-wheel leg of the aircraft collapsed on landing. DETERMINED OUTCOME: RAAus Technical Mana...
23/4/2017 OCC1012 Bankstown NSW Aeroprakt Vixxen Rotax 912 ULS During a flight training lesson on climbing, with utilisation of full power from time to time to dem...
21/4/2017 OCC1008 Bathurst Airport NSW BRM Aero Bristell Rotax 912 ULS Powered aircraft were conducting RH circuits on RWY35, gliding operations were on LH circuits RWY35 ...
21/4/2017 OCC1004 Albany WA Jabiru SP500 Jabiru Jabiru 2.2 The pilot Left the hangar at 9.25am, gave taxi call for RWY32, and then gave an entry and back track...
21/4/2017 OCC1011 10nm SE of Roma QLD Tecnam P92 Echo Rotax 912 The engine began to intermittently run rough during cruise flight to a nearby airfield. Due to the n...
19/4/2017 OCC1006 Redcliffe Airport QLD Jabiru 160C Jabiru 2200B The aircraft experienced a total engine failure within the circuit area of Redcliffe Airport, the en...
19/4/2017 OCC1003 Aldinga SA Cubcrafters Carbon Cub CC11-160 Cub Crafters CC340 Approximate wind at the time of the incident was 10kt NE. An unoccupied, un-chocked aircraft was par...
18/4/2017 OCC1010 Gympie Airport QLD Auster J2 Textron Lycoming O-235-C1B Flying circuits at YGYM, Aircraft 1 was on short final RWY14, Aircraft 2: was on base. Aircraft 3 c...
17/4/2017 OCC1020 Wollongong Regional Airport NSW Airborne Windsports XT 912 Rotax 912 UL The aircraft bounced on landing, and on the second touchdown it veered to the left, coming to rest o...
15/4/2017 OCC1001 Moorabbin Airport VIC Aeroprakt Foxbat A22LS Rotax 912 During circuit training on RWY 17L at YMMB, after making the final touchdown it was realised there w...
13/4/2017 OCC1005 Sunshine Coast Airport QLD Alpi Pioneer 300 Rotax 912 ULS During a training circuit it was noted the engine was running rough on approach. At first it was sus...
12/4/2017 OCC1000 Tunbridge Airfield TAS Jabiru J120C Jabiru 2200 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft landed with a flat main wheel tyre, damaging the...
11/4/2017 OCC0994 ~20Nm E of Cunnamulla QLD Kitfox Speedster Rotax 912 After an uneventful take off the pilot proceeded to make track and climb on a heading of 000 towards...
8/4/2017 OCC0988 Geraldton WA Morgan Aero Works Cougar MK1 Jabiru 3.3 Whilst the aircraft was taxiing the nose wheel became stuck in loose dirt. Over use of right rudder ...
8/4/2017 OCC0995 Loxton Airfield SA Challenger CH2 Rotax 503 The aircraft was tied down alongside the hangar when a very strong gust of wind broke the tie down r...