Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
12/11/2016 OCC0820 2km South of Miling WA Jabiru J170D Jabiru 2200 A mechanical failure of the engine occurred during a cross country training flight, resulting in an ...
12/11/2016 OCC0819 Between Caboolture airport and Bribie Island QLD Aeroprakt A32 Vixxen Rotax 912 ULS After leveling out at 1500ft the aircraft hit a patch of light to moderate turbulence, the passenger...
9/11/2016 OCC0812 Orange Airport NSW Jabiru 160C Jabiru 2200B Aircraft experiences a bird strike on landing with no damage to aircraft reported. OUTCOME: This i...
9/11/2016 OCC0817 Echuca Airport VIC Jabiru J160c Jabiru 2200B Conducting circuits on a sealed RWY. As the main gear came into contact with the RWY there was a jol...
9/11/2016 OCC1030 Broken Hill Airport NSW Aeroprakt A32 Rotax 912 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: The Bowden cable used to operate the carburettor heat...
8/11/2016 OCC0822 Darwin NT Flysynthesis Storch S500 Rotax 912 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Upon removing the top and bottom cowls it was noticed...
8/11/2016 OCC0814 Simpson Desert NT The Aircraft Factory Sling 2 Rotax 912 IS Warp Drive Propellor hub failed in flight after 5-10 seconds of vibration. The pilot attempted to fi...
7/11/2016 OCC0811 Cobbity NSW Jabiru J160C Jabiru 2200B A precautionary landing was conducted after the pilot noted engine vibration in normal flight. OUTC...
7/11/2016 OCC0810 Mount Phillip Homestead Airstrip WA Aeroprakt A-22LS Rotax 912ULS During take-off the pilot opened the throttle to get up to speed however the aircraft did not seem t...
6/11/2016 OCC0900 Buckland TAS Jabiru J120C Jabiru 2200 On approach to a one way private airfield, an unexpected tailwind was encountered. The pilot was add...
4/11/2016 OCC0813 Narrogin Airfield WA Jabiru J170 Jabiru 2200 Tow plane attempted to land and was prevented by an aircraft occupying the runway. OUTCOME: RAAus O...
4/11/2016 OCC0815 Archerfield Airport QLD Sling 2 Rotax 912 Whilst conducting a touch and go on the grass RWY04R, during the climb out a magpie took flight and ...
4/11/2016 OCC0808 Dunwich Airfield QLD Tecnam P2008 Rotax 912 ULS During an instructional flight a radio call joining downwind RWY15 at YDUN was made. Approximately 3...
4/11/2016 OCC0833 Hazelgrove NSW Savanah V.G Rotax 912 The landing was on a one-way private strip. The approach was conducted too high and too fast to land...
31/10/2016 OCC0798 Ingham QLD Howard Hughes Engineering Light Wing Gr-912 Heliview Rotax 912 On the third circuit the pilot had to take evasive action due to an animal on the RWY. This resulted...