Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
1/4/2017 |
OCC1013 |
Gawler Airfield |
SA |
Zenith Aircraft |
Zodiac Ch 601 Hds |
Rotax |
912 UL |
As the pilot was turning right onto downwind, a glider was coming towards the aircraft from the slig...
As the pilot was turning right onto downwind, a glider was coming towards the aircraft from the slight right hand side (up the downwind). The pilot took action to avoid the glider as did they, the pilot radioed the glider to say they had been seen and avoided, however got no response.
OUTCOME: The incident has been reported to the Gliding Club safety committee and CFI for follow up. It is likely it was a glider and pilot not familiar with the airfield and right hand circuits on RWY 23, the actions from the gliding club address any identified issues. RAAus Operations Manager has reviewed the report, no further action at this time. |
1/4/2017 |
OCC0989 |
Wedderburn |
Storm |
Rally |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
On flight from Wollongong to Wedderburn oil pressure dropped to 0.8 Bar which is well below the mini...
On flight from Wollongong to Wedderburn oil pressure dropped to 0.8 Bar which is well below the minimum of 2 Bar for the Rotax 912 ULS type. The pilot made a call to alert other traffic to the inflight emergency and priority given. An uneventful landing was made.
An examination showed the lid on the oil tank had tilted up on one side allowing oil to escape. Residual oil in tank was found to be 600mm. Oil was replaced, the system purged of air and the oil pressure on start-up returned to normal. Compression afterwards was as expected and no damage to engine evident. During the emergency the CHT remained stable at 100 degrees C which is normal and the oil temperate was not elevated.
DETERMINED OUTCOME: It is likely that this issue occurred due to a faulty O-ring on the oil tank. Owner operator reminded to review LSA manufactures maintenance schedule. |
29/3/2017 |
OCC0991 |
Dalby |
Sonex |
Sonex |
Jabiru |
33A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The green urethane hose used on static, pitot and fuel lines ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The green urethane hose used on static, pitot and fuel lines have aged quickly and become very brittle and will crumble at the slightest touch or vibration.
Determined Outcome: RAAus Technical department has suggested that the hoses be replaced and that the L2 discusses ongoing airworthiness with the owner of the this aircraft. As a 19 amateur built members are free to trial times that may not be deemed suitable in normal engineering activities. |
28/3/2017 |
OCC0984 |
Fyshwick |
Icarus |
Wombat |
Rotax |
912 |
26/3/2017 |
OCC0983 |
Bendigo |
Tecnam |
P92 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
When taxiing out to RWY35 via 23, at the gable markers the pilot positioned the aircraft to look for...
When taxiing out to RWY35 via 23, at the gable markers the pilot positioned the aircraft to look for any traffic on final of 35. Nothing was sighted. Another aircraft was approximately 300m downwind abeam the piano keys and gave a call to state they were doing a glide approach onto 35. The taxiing aircraft made a call to say it was entering and lined up for an immediate intersection departure. As they entered the RWY the pilot noticed the second aircraft was approx. still 700AGL at a 45 degree to RWY35 about 1800m away 1/2 way on base.
Determined Outcome: All schools contacted to ask them to co-ordinate operations using effective alerted see and avoid and appropriate airmanship for RAAus flight training schools |
26/3/2017 |
OCC0973 |
Dalby |
Lockwood |
Drifter |
Rotax |
582 ULS DCDI |
Due to a miscalculation of fuel usage, the aircraft suffered fuel starvation on late finals during c...
Due to a miscalculation of fuel usage, the aircraft suffered fuel starvation on late finals during circuit practice. The engine continued to run but not make power. After exiting the aerodrome boundary of the active RWY the aircraft was inspected and found that there was no usable fuel remaining. After fuel was added the aircraft started and engine operated normally.
The pilot has since re-read the Drifter flight manual and recalculated fuel burn for further operations.
OUTCOME: There is currently no minimum fuel requirements prescribed for day VFR fuel reserves. Pilots are reminded to reference the pilot operating handbook and confirm fuel burn rate as there are a range of factors that affect this. See CAAP 234-1(1) Guidelines for Aircraft Fuel Requirements. |
26/3/2017 |
OCC0975 |
Bendigo |
Alpi |
Pioneer 300 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
When on late downwind after ensuring that there was sufficient spacing between the preceding aircraf...
When on late downwind after ensuring that there was sufficient spacing between the preceding aircraft (on mid to late final) the pilot closed the throttle and made a radio call that they were executing a practice glide approach. When at approx. 200-300ft above ground height on short final, a radio call was heard indicating that an aircraft was entering the active runway for an intersection departure and an aircraft was seen to enter, without time for a responding radio call. The pilot of the first aircraft immediately initiated a go around, however there were then three aircraft in relatively close proximity on upwind.
Outcome: This incident highlights the importance of aerodrome users working together to ensure safety. RAAus strongly recommends that recreational flying clubs at all airports seek to form or become a part of an already established aerodrome users safety committee. This type of committee should allow all users to express their concerns and needs in a forum where issues can be dealt with in a professional and respectful manner. |
24/3/2017 |
OCC1155 |
Jandakot Airport |
WA |
Evektor |
Sportstar Plus |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
A VH registered aircraft was taxiing for departure and reported on ADC @ frequency approaching R24R ...
A VH registered aircraft was taxiing for departure and reported on ADC @ frequency approaching R24R holding point at TWY C1. The pilot was instructed to hold short of R24R and read back the instruction. The aircraft was observed to enter R24R and the pilot was advised of their error. Due to this error an RAAus registered aircraft was sent around from final.
Determined Outcome: Investigated by ASA. No further action taken by RAAus. |
21/3/2017 |
OCC0969 |
Cutters Field Abergowrie |
Skyfox |
CA22 |
Rotax |
UL912 80 hp |
Contaminated fuel caused EFOTO. Pilot proceeded with an out landing fuel drained Carby bowls cleaned...
Contaminated fuel caused EFOTO. Pilot proceeded with an out landing fuel drained Carby bowls cleaned and found water in Carby bowls. Proceeded with restart did run up checks all systems ok returned to airstrip.
Pilots are reminded of the importance of ensuring pre-flight checks are thoroughly conducted particularly in regard to the presence of possible contaminates in fuel. |
21/3/2017 |
OCC0970 |
Abergowrie |
Skyfox |
CA22 |
Rotax |
UL912 80 hp |
Contaminated fuel caused EFOTO. Pilot proceeded with an out landing fuel drained Carby bowls cleaned...
Contaminated fuel caused EFOTO. Pilot proceeded with an out landing fuel drained Carby bowls cleaned and found water in Carby bowls. Proceeded with restart did run up checks all systems ok returned to airstrip.
Pilots are reminded of the importance of ensuring pre-flight checks are thoroughly conducted particularly in regard to the presence of possible contaminates in fuel. |
20/3/2017 |
OCC0966 |
Bunbury |
WA |
Evektor |
Sportstar Plus |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
A Pilot was on a solo cross country exercise arrived at YBUN for a touch and go. They did a go aroun...
A Pilot was on a solo cross country exercise arrived at YBUN for a touch and go. They did a go around due to bumpy conditions on short finals. On the second approach the pilot was in the flare near the ground and experienced drift to the left and some turbulence. They attempted to go around again. The aircraft yawed to the left and started rolling towards the trees. The pilot attempted to roll to the right but the aircraft continued to bank to the left and entered the trees approximately 20m from the RWY strip.
Outcome: The qualified pilot certificate holder was on his first solo Navex under supervision of the CFI and a touch and go at Bunbury was included in this plan. All weather was assessed and reviewed prior to flight departure. All flight decision making and operations were reviewed and subsequently debriefed as acceptable. The accident was the result of loss of control at low airspeed due to control management and the effect of the prevailing conditions at the aerodrome were also a contributing factor. The pilot has not returned to active operations at this time but will undertake appropriate refresher training in this area prior to any further command flight. |
19/3/2017 |
OCC0972 |
2nm NE Murray Field Airport |
WA |
Fly Synthesis |
Storch HS J |
Jabiru |
2200A |
After operating normally, for approximately 40 minutes, the aircraft engine began to run roughly. Th...
After operating normally, for approximately 40 minutes, the aircraft engine began to run roughly. This occurred at 3000ft, in an almost clear sky. The temperature at the time and altitude was estimated to be 18 degrees Celsius, and there had been no rain since the previous day, but carburettor icing was suspected as the problem. The pilot applied carburettor heat, and worked the throttle but the problem persisted. The pilot advised traffic at YMUL that the aircraft had engine problems and was making a straight in approach on RWY 23. The engine continued to run roughly, and at around 400ft on final there was mild vibration and the engine stopped completely. Two brief attempts to restart were unsuccessful, and an engine-out landing on the runway was carried out without further incident. Some 15 minutes after landing the engine was restarted and performed normally. After conducting a fuel drain check the engine was run up and checked at various power settings without any signs of rough running. A test flight was conducted with a climb to 3500ft over YMUL, without problem. The pilot then departed YMUL for YSEN 7nm away. A normal powered approach and landing was made at YSEN.
OUTCOME: Carburettor icing continues to be a factor in many partial and total engine failures but is not easily identified in subsequent mechanical investigations due to lack of physical evidence. Use of suitable heat control systems may not be sufficient by the time the symptoms become evident to the pilot and therefore pilots need to be vigilant wherever the possibility not just the likelihood of icing conditions are present. Visible moisture is one constant required for any possibility of carby ice forming and in Australia transitional seasonal periods of high humidity and decreasing temperatures often occur between March and June which can increase the likelihood of potential icing conditions even when not forecast. |
17/3/2017 |
OCC0977 |
Deniliquin |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300 |
The engine started to run rough approximately 8NM from Deniliquin and subsequently failed on approac...
The engine started to run rough approximately 8NM from Deniliquin and subsequently failed on approach to the airfield.
OUTCOME: Initial inspection by L1 maintainer has shown that the engine has lost a valve and seat. Due to aircraft being an LSA the engine has been sent to the manufacturer, along with copies of the log books/ The owner is awaiting to hear from the manufacturer the outcome of the engine tear down inspection. |
14/3/2017 |
OCC0962 |
Paradise Dam |
Seamax |
M22 |
Rotax |
912 ULS |
The aircraft touched down on the water at the correct speed and attitude with a slightly high vertic...
The aircraft touched down on the water at the correct speed and attitude with a slightly high vertical speed. It remained on top of the water normally for approx. three seconds and then had a high deceleration and rotated forward coming to rest inverted.
OUTCOME: On investigation it was identified that the aircraft has had a number of previous wheel up landing incidents, which were reported to RAAus. This incidents however were not logged into the airframe logbook. Therefore it is feasible that the previous repair after a wheel up landing that may have failed during this landing occasion. Members are reminded to ensure that appropriate information regarding incidents is also logged into aircraft logbooks. |
11/3/2017 |
OCC0963 |
Sunshine Coast Airport |
Jabiru |
J170 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
Having been cleared for take-off on RWY 18 with instructions to make left turn, the pilot commenced ...
Having been cleared for take-off on RWY 18 with instructions to make left turn, the pilot commenced the left turn. During the turn the pilot was distracted with a radio squelch issue, and rather than intercept the southbound track, continued in the left turn whilst trying to sort the radio out. The pilot then realised at the same time that the tower queried, that they were heading in the wrong direction and advised the tower they would continue turning left and set course overhead. The pilot apologised to the controller who then cleared the aircraft and directed it to the first reporting point, and the aircraft departed the Control zone.
OUTCOME: Due to the pilot's distraction with the radio, he did not follow the departure instructions of the controller, resulting in a non-standard departure. The pilot self identified the factors and provided analysis of his actions to prevent recurrence. |