Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
29/8/2016 OCC0745 Caboolture QLD Bantam Bs Rotax 582 While descending to the dead side from 2000 ft to finally join crosswind on RWY12, and some where ab...
27/8/2016 OCC0740 Watts Bridge QLD Edra Super Petrel LS Rotax 912 ULS Pilot experienced a radio communications failure after take-off from Watts Bridge fly in. Receiving ...
27/8/2016 OCC0753 Riddell Airfield VIC TOPAZ KR 030 Rotax UL After a one hour local flight, when the pilot was on late final with 90 degree cross wind varying be...
27/8/2016 OCC0739 Wollongong Regional Airport NSW Jabiru J160C Jabiru 22B Aircraft was lined up for take-off on RWY26. As the pilot commenced the take-off run, the aircraft s...
26/8/2016 OCC0886 Tamworth Airport NSW Evektor SportsStar Rotax 912 ULS During circuit training with a student who required close attention, the downwind call for landing w...
26/8/2016 OCC0738 South Grafton Aerodrome NSW Morgan Sierra Jabiru 3300 After returning from a local flight to land on RWY08 the aircraft touched down on the bitumen after ...
20/8/2016 OCC0736 Crab Claw Island NT Tecnam P92 Echo Rotax 912 UL Pilot had set up to land and was flaring before landing. As they pulled on the control stick (back t...
20/8/2016 OCC0743 Adelaide Soaring Club, Gawler SA Jabiru J170C Jabiru 2200B The pilot (instructor) and student were taxiing out towards RWY23 whilst listening out on the radio ...
17/8/2016 OCC0807 Moorabbin Airport VIC Jabiru J-160C Jabiru 2200 The pilot was issued instructions to join the circuit and follow a C172. The pilot turned and mistak...
15/8/2016 OCC0730 Unknown SA Foxcon Aviation Terrier T200 Rotax 912 15 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: An aircraft owner had a partial failure of the reduct...
15/8/2016 OCC0732 Moorabbin VIC Aeroprakt Foxbat A22LS Rotax 912 ULS A student was sent for a solo circuit to be completed inside the Moorabbin airspace, which was succe...
15/8/2016 OCC0731 Moruya Airport NSW Rutan Varieze Continental O-200A The pilot was flying to Moruya from Cooma to for unscheduled maintenance. About 15 NM from the Moruy...
15/8/2016 OCC0796 Bald Hills QLD Tecnam P92 Rotax 912 ULS The pilot believed they were Class G airspace, however they were in Class C airspace without clearan...
14/8/2016 OCC0873 Canberra Airport ACT Brm Aero Bristell LSA Rotax 912 ULS The aircraft landed long on RWY35 and had too much speed to exit via Charlie as directed. The pilot ...
11/8/2016 OCC0772 NW of Brisbane QLD Evektor Sportstar Plus Rotax 912 ULS Tracking direct from YRED to YKCY the pilot clipped the very edge of the 3500' step. The pilot was m...