Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
7/8/2016 OCC0722 Penfield VIC Skyfox Aviation Gazelle Ca25n Rotax 912A Pre-flight: engine start and run-up normal with smooth running as per recommended operating procedur...
7/8/2016 OCC0725 Goolwa Airport SA Luscombe 8E Continental C85-12F Bird strike on propeller occurred during takeoff roll at approximately 20 kts. OUTCOME: Take-off w...
7/8/2016 OCC0727 Bendigo Aerodrome VIC Tecnam P92 Super Echo LSA Rotax 912 ULS Aircraft 1 was on final approach to RWY 35, aircraft 2 turned on to right base leg after aircraft 1 ...
4/8/2016 OCC0729 Temora NSW Brumby 610R Rotax 912 ULS OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: During annual inspection on the left hand landing gea...
2/8/2016 OCC0720 Bankstown Airport NSW Foxbat A22LS Rotax 912 ULS The aircraft encountered a bird strike to the left hand side near the main wheel during the final st...
31/7/2016 OCC0728 Raglan QLD Pacific Ibis Ibis Magic Rotax 912ULS The daily inspection was completed as per the POH. The aircraft taxied to the Southern end of the ai...
30/7/2016 OCC0741 Wellcamp Airport QLD Jabiru J160 Jabiru 2200 Pilot experienced a loss of control on the runway upon landing. The aircraft nose wheel was not stra...
27/7/2016 OCC0755 Gawler Airfield SA Jabiru 230 Jabiru 3300 Pilot was conducting a take off on RWY23 for a short local flight. Appropriate radio calls were give...
24/7/2016 OCC0715 Moree NSW Jabiru 170C Jabiru 2200 A student had completed the first part of a two stage solo flying assignment and was returning to th...
24/7/2016 OCC0713 Private strip, Busselton WA Fantasy Air Allegro Rotax 912 ULS After landing, while taxiing the right main wheel dropped into a mud hole at turning point pulling p...
19/7/2016 OCC0708 Cessnock NSW Aeroprakt A22ls Rotax ULS During a Nav exercise the student made a call at 10 NM to which no response was heard for inbound fo...
19/7/2016 OCC0724 Cessnock NSW Tecnam Sierra Rotax 912 S 2 This report was submitted as the other pilot in command involved in an aircraft separation incident ...
17/7/2016 OCC0717 Fort Courage NSW Jabiru J120c Jabiru 2200B The pilot and passenger were 8 nm from their destination of Wentworth and were conducting a circuit ...
17/7/2016 OCC0710 Wudinna SA Jabiru J230-D Jabiru 3300-A At about 1730 local time the pilot was landing in a paddock on private property and flew into a Mall...
16/7/2016 OCC0706 Dapto NSW Foxbat A22LS Amphibian Rotax 912ULS An amphibian aircraft landed in Lake Illawarra with one port side main wheel not fully retracted. O...