Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
10/3/2024 OCC3598 Narrogin WA Jabiru J170 Jabiru 2200 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The motor stopped revving after take-off. There was no power...
2/3/2024 OCC3608 Toowoomba QLD Jabiru J230C Jabiru 3300 Gen 4 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: RAAus was advised that during approach, the crew of an RPT ob...
25/2/2024 OCC3610 Shellharbour NSW Jabiru J230-D Jabiru 3300 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot had commenced a decent from 5500' just north of Fla...
16/2/2024 OCC3580 Murray Bridge Aerodrome SA Jabiru LSA 55/3J Jabiru 2200B OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The lesson consisted of circuits with the student flying low ...
15/2/2024 OCC3677 Holbrook Aerodrome NSW Jabiru J230 Jabiru 3300A OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Final approach lost elevator control and landed heavy on the ...
10/2/2024 OCC3605 Dubbo Aerodrome NSW Jabiru J230-D Jabiru 3300A While descending to Dubbo at approx. 15nm, an aircraft was observed on TCAS, 1-2nm northwest of the ...
5/2/2024 OCC3576 Roseworthy SA Jabiru J170-D Jabiru 2200B OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot inadvertently flew into restricted airspace due to ...
5/2/2024 OCC3560 Albany Aerodrome WA Jabiru J170-C Jabiru Gen 4 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Aircraft suffered a significant loss of power while taking of...
21/1/2024 OCC3550 Muchea/Greenside WA Jabiru J170-C Jabiru J2200 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The Instructor was undertaking a Stalls lesson with a student...
21/1/2024 OCC3551 Myrup Aerodrome WA Jabiru J120-C Jabiru 2200B OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot completed the usual preflight, runup and pre-take-o...
10/1/2024 OCC3542 Ballarat Aerodrome VIC Jabiru J230-D Jabiru 3300A With multiple aircraft operating in the circuit pattern including multiple callsigns in the same typ...
17/12/2023 OCC3530 Wongulla SA jabiru J160-C Jabiru 2200J OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft took off from YTFA tracked east to the river Mur...
15/12/2023 OCC3517 Gawler Aerodrome SA Jabiru J170-C Jabiru 2200B OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot of a Jabiru chose runway 05 for landing, this may h...
8/12/2023 OCC3512 Thangool Aerodrome QLD Jabiru J230 Jabiru 3300A OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On landing there was a loud ripping sound from under carriage...
1/12/2023 OCC3504 Freeling SA Jabiru J170-C Jabiru 2200B OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: While demonstrating turns to a student, north-east of Freelin...