Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
7/11/2015 OCC0484 Gawler Airfield SA Jabiru J170D Jabiru 22B OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Aircraft flying in the circuit had just taken off aga...
29/10/2015 OCC0483 Wollongong NSW Jabiru J170 Jabiru 2200 Jabiru was holding ready to cross RWY08 and RWY26 and did not hear the base call for the VH aircraft...
14/10/2015 OCC0465 Blackwater QLD Jabiru J230 Camit 33SLR Failure of fuel to feed from right hand wing to surge tank due to blockage in the vent. OUTCOME: T...
2/10/2015 OCC0517 Drysdale River Station WA Jabiru SP 500T Camit CAE3300 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Pilot attempted to start the engine and the starter e...
1/10/2015 OCC0448 Port Lincoln SA Jabiru J200 Jabiru 3300 Fuel mismanagement. Pilot shut off wrong fuel tap. OUTCOME: Pilot confirmed fuel starvation was the...
22/9/2015 OCC0521 Amberley QLD Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A Airspace Infringement - Pilot did not check NOTAMs or broadcast on the CTAF. OUTCOME: Pilot complet...