Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
12/3/2016 OCC0803 Inverell Aerodrome NSW Jabiru J170 Jabiru 2200B On departure the aircraft experienced partial engine failure on take-off (the engine dropped to idle...
9/3/2016 OCC0587 Paechtown (NW of Murray Bridge Airport) SA Jabiru LSA Jabiru 2200 During practice engine failures from height at a local ALA (5nm NW of Murray Bridge SA) where the di...
5/3/2016 OCC0589 Coffs Harbour NSW Jabiru J170-C Jabiru 2200 Instructor briefed student pilot in the plane before exiting and confirmed that they were ok with an...
27/2/2016 OCC0579 Medlow Bath (Katoomba Airfield) NSW Jabiru ST 3 Jabiru 2200A Fatal Accident involving RAAus member. RAAus accident consultants are assisting police in determinin...
28/1/2016 OCC0559 Wollongong Airport NSW Jabiru J-170 Jabiru 2200B After a dual check with an instructor pilot commenced a series of touch and go circuits, on the last...
22/1/2016 OCC0557 Morawa WA Jabiru SP500-6 Jabiru 6 On touchdown on RWY33 at Morawa, WA pilot was hit by a willy willy or massive wind change. Pilot cou...
11/1/2016 OCC0542 66nm East of Bourke NSW Jabiru J120-C Jabiru 2200B OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Pilot noticed a strong smell of smoke and carried out...
31/12/2015 OCC0607 Portland VIC Jabiru J170-C Jabiru 2200 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Oil leak detected on top if #4 cylinder at crank case...
31/12/2015 OCC0534 Bundaberg Airport QLD Jabiru SP2200 Jabiru 2200 When approaching the airport, to overfly at 1600 feet to join the circuit, the engine began to run r...
26/12/2015 OCC0533 King Ash Bay NT Jabiru J160 Jabiru 2200A Landing on dirt strip 6 to 7 knot crosswind and a gust of wind blew the aircraft to the right side o...
19/12/2015 OCC0527 Coffs Harbour NSW Jabiru J170-C Jabiru J2200 Loss of comms by pilot on approach to Coffs Harbour aerodrome. Comms required for contact with Class...
26/11/2015 OCC0522 Bundaberg Airport QLD Jabiru J200 Jabiru 3300A Reported that damage had occurred to a hanger had appeared overnight and a damaged aircraft parked a...
17/11/2015 OCC0488 Murray Field WA Jabiru J120-C LSA Jabiru 2200 On approach to RWY09 and during overfly the pilot was unable to see the wind sock. Pilot approach an...
11/11/2015 OCC0482 Scone NSW Jabiru J160 Jabiru 22A 4cyl At 3500' AMSL the engine started to vibrate and lost substantial power. Pilot applied carburettor he...
8/11/2015 OCC0475 Bordertown SA Jabiru J230 Jabiru 3300 At 6500' engine misfired then began to run rough. All temps and pressures good. Plenty of fuel. Pilo...