Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
12/3/2016 |
OCC0803 |
Inverell Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J170 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
On departure the aircraft experienced partial engine failure on take-off (the engine dropped to idle...
On departure the aircraft experienced partial engine failure on take-off (the engine dropped to idle in a full power configuration). The engine power was restored however the pilot made a precautionary landing. Upon a ground inspection, the aircraft seemed ok with the engine performing as normal. The aircraft continued to its destination the following day without any further incident.
OUTCOME: A later inspection by a mechanic found a faulty fuel pump to be the fault and the defective part was replaced. |
9/3/2016 |
OCC0587 |
Paechtown (NW of Murray Bridge Airport) |
SA |
Jabiru |
Jabiru |
2200 |
During practice engine failures from height at a local ALA (5nm NW of Murray Bridge SA) where the di...
During practice engine failures from height at a local ALA (5nm NW of Murray Bridge SA) where the different environment made the flare hard to judge. The aircraft was configured for landing and during the flare the aircraft landed in a flat attitude where the subsequent force bent the nose wheel oleo and the wheel tucked up into the nose wheel housing damaging the compression rubber. As the aircraft was subsequently in a nose down attitude, the propeller contacted the ground and there was prop tip damage.
OUTCOME: Runway - Loss of Control (R-LOC) as a result of initial high flare by student which was not successfully arrested by student or instructor. Instructor has been mentored by Operations and advised to retain a high level of vigilance in the landing phase, particularly when away from home AD or with students that have any degree of historical inconsistency in critical phases of flight. |
5/3/2016 |
OCC0589 |
Coffs Harbour |
Jabiru |
J170-C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
Instructor briefed student pilot in the plane before exiting and confirmed that they were ok with an...
Instructor briefed student pilot in the plane before exiting and confirmed that they were ok with another flight to Bundagen and to establish in the training area for 30 minutes. Student pilot taxied from the Aeroclub (via HOTEL ECHO to holding point ALPHA for RWY03 as the instructor insisted they use the main wider runway that the student was used to). Student pilot was given a conditional clearance at holding point ALPHA to line up behind the Foxbat on final. Student pilot read back his clearance with line up behind however the student pilot crossed the holding point in front of the Foxbat. The Foxbat was asked to make a full stop (which they did) and the student pilot was cleared for take off and a right turn in front of the Foxbat. After the student pilot was airborne the Foxbat was cleared for take off doing circuit RWY03. Instructor and CFI questioned the student pilot on their return who explained that they did not see the Foxbat on final and through they were right to enter runway for take-off.
OUTCOME: Non compliance with ATC instruction has been dealt with by the students' CFI. Operations remind all pilots, even those under ATC control, that situational awareness and lookout remain as highest priorities for avoidance of collisions in any circuit area. |
27/2/2016 |
OCC0579 |
Medlow Bath (Katoomba Airfield) |
Jabiru |
ST 3 |
Jabiru |
2200A |
Fatal Accident involving RAAus member. RAAus accident consultants are assisting police in determinin...
Fatal Accident involving RAAus member. RAAus accident consultants are assisting police in determining the causal factors that led to the accident. A special Enews was published |
28/1/2016 |
OCC0559 |
Wollongong Airport |
Jabiru |
J-170 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
After a dual check with an instructor pilot commenced a series of touch and go circuits, on the last...
After a dual check with an instructor pilot commenced a series of touch and go circuits, on the last landing the pilot applied the brakes to commence slowing down. There was an audible "pop" sound followed by complete loss of brake pressure and braking effect. The pilot successfully completed the rollout, pulled off onto the grass verge and rolled to a stop with no damage to the aircraft.
OUTCOME: Subsequent checking of the aircraft showed that cable ties, securing the brake lines to the undercarriage leg had broken, allowing the brake lines to be pulled out of position during flight leading to a kink in the brake line. A pre-landing brake check had shown normal pressure on the brake lever. When the brakes where applied after landing, the brake line had failed at the kink causing total loss of braking. The cable ties securing the brake lines were found to be brittle, probably from UV exposure. The aircraft is not hangared. The operator will check and replace all other exposed cable ties. |
22/1/2016 |
OCC0557 |
Morawa |
WA |
Jabiru |
SP500-6 |
Jabiru |
6 |
On touchdown on RWY33 at Morawa, WA pilot was hit by a willy willy or massive wind change. Pilot cou...
On touchdown on RWY33 at Morawa, WA pilot was hit by a willy willy or massive wind change. Pilot could not control the aircraft so decided to do a go around. On applying full power the nose gear collapsed and the right main gear broke and folded back.
OUTCOME: Pilot and local CFI were advised of appropriate strategies to assist in minimising the effects of local meteorological conditions and the correct communication and cancellation processes for any inferred SAR that may be undertaken as the result of an accident.
Pilots operating at remote airfields, where environmental factors are likely to have major impacts on flight control in the landing phase, should consider appropriate arrival and departure timing or available alternates or advanced precautionary assessment of the intended landing area. |
11/1/2016 |
OCC0542 |
66nm East of Bourke |
Jabiru |
J120-C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Pilot noticed a strong smell of smoke and carried out...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Pilot noticed a strong smell of smoke and carried out emergency checks. It was discovered that the avionics 10 amp circuit breaker had popped. Prior to the smoke smell, the radio had became unserviceable. The aircraft arrived at Bourke where a flapless landing was carried out.
OUTCOME: After inspection of the aircraft by a factory rep, various parts were replaced with others remained in situ. The aircraft the conducted a further flight of 100 NM before the aircraft's electrical system failed again which appear to be due to the radio and tacho. Awaiting further inspection report from the manufacturer. |
31/12/2015 |
OCC0607 |
Portland |
Jabiru |
J170-C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Oil leak detected on top if #4 cylinder at crank case...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Oil leak detected on top if #4 cylinder at crank case interface. Bulk Strip by L2 confirmed crank case fretting on 3 crankshaft bearing.
OUTCOME: Rectification via engineering methods and upgrading of components. No issue with this type of engine. |
31/12/2015 |
OCC0534 |
Bundaberg Airport |
Jabiru |
SP2200 |
Jabiru |
2200 |
When approaching the airport, to overfly at 1600 feet to join the circuit, the engine began to run r...
When approaching the airport, to overfly at 1600 feet to join the circuit, the engine began to run roughly. After approximately 10 seconds there was a loud bang and the engine ran smoothly but with limited power. A successful landing was conducted with no damage to airframe or injuries to crew.
OUTCOME: A later examination of the engine showed that the No.4 piston had disintegrated causing extensive damage to the cylinder and block. |
26/12/2015 |
OCC0533 |
King Ash Bay |
NT |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Jabiru |
2200A |
Landing on dirt strip 6 to 7 knot crosswind and a gust of wind blew the aircraft to the right side o...
Landing on dirt strip 6 to 7 knot crosswind and a gust of wind blew the aircraft to the right side of the strip. As the aircraft touched down the right main wheel sunk on soft dirt which damaged the undercarriage. Pilot tried to steer plane to the left and as the plane came to rest it dipped forward and the right wing tip hit the ground.
OUTCOME: Damage to the undercarriage and the right wing tip of aircraft due to crosswind and hitting soft ground. |
19/12/2015 |
OCC0527 |
Coffs Harbour |
Jabiru |
J170-C |
Jabiru |
J2200 |
Loss of comms by pilot on approach to Coffs Harbour aerodrome. Comms required for contact with Class...
Loss of comms by pilot on approach to Coffs Harbour aerodrome. Comms required for contact with Class D controller. Problem could not be replicated on the ground by the CFI and Instructor. Possibly due to incorrect volume setting or wrong frequency setting.
OUTCOME: Operations reviewed report no further action required. |
26/11/2015 |
OCC0522 |
Bundaberg Airport |
Jabiru |
J200 |
Jabiru |
3300A |
Reported that damage had occurred to a hanger had appeared overnight and a damaged aircraft parked a...
Reported that damage had occurred to a hanger had appeared overnight and a damaged aircraft parked a short distance away.
OUTCOME: Investigation found RAAus pilot had run into hangar overnight due to unsafe operation of the aircraft. Damage to hangar has been compensated through third party property damage insurance. Due to the lack of communication with the pilot their pilot certificate has been suspended until further contact has been made. |
17/11/2015 |
OCC0488 |
Murray Field |
WA |
Jabiru |
J120-C LSA |
Jabiru |
2200 |
On approach to RWY09 and during overfly the pilot was unable to see the wind sock. Pilot approach an...
On approach to RWY09 and during overfly the pilot was unable to see the wind sock. Pilot approach and landed at RWY09, felt tail wheel on runway and applied brakes as it was too late for full throttle to go-around and overshot runway. Pilot felt the brakes fail. Burns offs in a number of locations in WA caused smoke to be low lying. Pilot exited aeroplane after shutdown and removed aircraft from air strip.
OUTCOME: Ops spoke to pilot on initial report. Pilot failed to judge landing correctly and elected to over run rather than go-around and possibly hit power lines. NFA required by Ops. |
11/11/2015 |
OCC0482 |
Scone |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Jabiru |
22A 4cyl |
At 3500' AMSL the engine started to vibrate and lost substantial power. Pilot applied carburettor he...
At 3500' AMSL the engine started to vibrate and lost substantial power. Pilot applied carburettor heat, fuel boost pump and full throttle but continued to lose height at the rate of about 500fpm. At about 800' AGL pilot activated the PLB and landed in a suitable paddock. AMSAR contacted pilot by phone where the circumstances were explained and pilot advised that no assistance was required.
OUTCOME: ATSB in consultation with CASA, RAAus and Jabiru conducted an engine tear down of this engine to identify the causal factors for the engines failure. Information pertaining to the ATSB report is available at |
8/11/2015 |
OCC0475 |
Bordertown |
SA |
Jabiru |
J230 |
Jabiru |
3300 |
At 6500' engine misfired then began to run rough. All temps and pressures good. Plenty of fuel. Pilo...
At 6500' engine misfired then began to run rough. All temps and pressures good. Plenty of fuel. Pilot lowered power settings however engine clatter experienced and engine came to an abrupt stop. 'Mayday' call conducted on area frequency which was acknowledged with request to activate ident and EPIRB. MEL CTR acknowledged position and asked intentions. Pilot maintained look out, left radio on and radioed through that that they had located a good paddock not far from bitumen road and homestead and would land there after performing final checks as per manual. Relatively uneventful landing in paddock with cut hay. Nil injuries. Pilot called Area Freq saying all ok. Within about 5 minutes a plane circled and pilot indicated all ok. Emergency services arrived on scene however found it difficult to locate aircraft due to poor mobile reception.
OUTCOME: As this aircraft/ engine is an LSA the responsibility is with the manufacturer and owner. CASA are working to address the number of engine failures reported with this type of engine and have implemented an instrument to reduce the risk identified. The Instrument will be reviewed in July 2016. |