Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
10/7/2016 |
OCC0707 |
Indented Head |
Jabiru |
Jabiru |
2200A |
All run up and system check were OK and temperature and pressures all in the green. The engine devel...
All run up and system check were OK and temperature and pressures all in the green. The engine developed full power on take off with no apparent issues. The aircraft climbed to 1000 ft. and was at cruise power when about 3-5 minutes into the flight the engine suddenly lost all power. The pilot located a suitable paddock and positioned the aircraft for an emergency landing. The pilot briefed the passenger and asked them for assistance to identify power lines and fences. The landing was uneventful with no damage to aircraft or passenger.
OUTCOME: Technical Manager spoke with maintainer who indicated that the engine was a factory rebuilt engine. The engine overheated on number 4 cylinder with the valve seat separating from the cylinder head, which then caused the valve brake. There were indications that the engine overheating may have been pilot induced with a high power high angle of attack climb out rate. Engine has been re-built and has been operating normally since incident. |
2/7/2016 |
OCC0696 |
10 - 08 nautical miles to the South South west of Bendigo Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
Numerous attempts were made to contact the pilot of an aircraft (who was also inbound from a similar...
Numerous attempts were made to contact the pilot of an aircraft (who was also inbound from a similar direction, at the same height, tracking towards Bendigo aerodrome). No response was heard from the aircraft.
OUTCOME: No further action can be undertaken based on provided information as the registration number is not registered with RAAus. No further investigation possible. Members are advised to ensure they are compliant with CAAP 166-3 or CAR 166-3 regarding pilot responsibly whilst operating in non-controlled aerodrome/CTAF. |
27/6/2016 |
OCC0692 |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Maintainer has advised owner that the engine is defec...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Maintainer has advised owner that the engine is defective and considered no longer airworthy. The engine has previously over heated and maintenance has not been able to assist in the issues. The engine has a total time of 250 hours. Engine heads are warped and loosening therefore needing adjusting every 25 hours. Owner has requested assistance from RAAus.
OUTCOME: Owner advised that another maintainer has reviewed the engine and identified that the defect related to an engine cooling issue. Aircraft defect has been rectified with a manufacturer modification. |
27/6/2016 |
OCC0698 |
Unknown |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: The aircraft owners’ mechanic has determined that the...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: The aircraft owners’ mechanic has determined that the engine may no longer be airworthy. The engine had a history of overheating, now the heads are warped and loosening therefore needing adjusting every 25 hours.
OUTCOME: Technical Manager reviewed the report and spoke with current maintainer. Maintainer stated that the engine was originally LAME maintained however during that time the LAME did not address issues with the head. The new maintainer conducted an inspection and decided that the engine should be removed prior to failure - a loan engine (Jabiru 3300A) has been fitted. The maintainer has indicated that the engine appears to have been previously run hot which may be have been due to the operator flying the aircraft with a lean mixture. To date nil defects evident since the engine replacement. |
7/6/2016 |
OCC0699 |
Wimborne via Manilla |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
The pilot was arriving from Ballina area and was on final approach on RWY27 of a private grass LA. D...
The pilot was arriving from Ballina area and was on final approach on RWY27 of a private grass LA. During final stages the aircraft struck a single power line with its nose leg and impacted the ground coming to rest inverted.
OUTCOME: The pilot at the time of the incident was not an RAAus member (RAAus registered aircraft) and therefore the accident information has been forwarded to ATSB/ CASA for further investigation. |
6/6/2016 |
OCC0672 |
Albany |
WA |
Jabiru |
J170-C LSA |
Jabiru |
2200B |
The aircraft engine failed while cross wind in the circuit off RWY32 at Albany Regional Airport (YAB...
The aircraft engine failed while cross wind in the circuit off RWY32 at Albany Regional Airport (YABA). There was an instantaneous loss of power accompanied by violent vibration. 'MAYDAY' was issued on the CTAF by the pilot who then closed the throttle (which reduced the vibration to a manageable level - engine continued to run but at ~idle power only). Carb heat and boost pump were already ON. Traffic taxiing on RWY32 announced they would hold on the threshold. The pilot got the nose down and turned left 150 degrees back towards the aerodrome and trimmed for best glide. Pilot landed on RWY32 without further incident.
OUTCOME: On inspection of the aircraft it appears that the exhaust valve, #4 cylinder failed. The manufacturer has been notified who will identify the issue and provide feedback as required. |
27/5/2016 |
OCC0665 |
Benalla |
Jabiru |
J230-d LSA |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Pilot found that oil was leaking from the filter gasket which may have been due to the engine not be...
Pilot found that oil was leaking from the filter gasket which may have been due to the engine not being run or checked for leaks after an oil change.
OUTCOME: The issue was correctly identified during the pre-flight inspection. Members are reminded to conduct an engine run and check for leaks after oil change (as was correctly conducted in this incident).This issue should be rectified simply by following the manufacture system of maintenance and also by purchasing the correct part from the manufacturer. |
16/5/2016 |
OCC0659 |
Temora |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Maintainer was to remove the cylinder head for valve ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Maintainer was to remove the cylinder head for valve sealing rectification. Upon removal, the rocker bushes and shaft were found to show excessive wear. After cleaning the exhaust valve, there was also found to be corrosion/erosion on the lower stem.
OUTCOME: Technical addressed this defect with the factory who will amend the service and maintenance manual to address concerns and observations raised. |
7/5/2016 |
OCC0703 |
Mareeba Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Jabiru |
2200A |
With a 10-12 kt headwind on final, at about 6-8 ft off the ground, the aircraft suddenly dropped. Th...
With a 10-12 kt headwind on final, at about 6-8 ft off the ground, the aircraft suddenly dropped. The pilot flared quickly to a nose up attitude and the aircraft bounced off the main undercarriage. The stall warning sounded and the plane fell suddenly to the RWY damaging the main left and nose wheel, and the propeller struck the RWY.
OUTCOME: Runway Loss of Control (R-LOC) due to pilot unable to recognise potential wind gradient. Pilots reactions were unable to adjust to the environmental conditions and the aircraft commenced a Pilot Induced oscillation after a mismanaged bounce recovery. Member has been recommended for further training. |
6/5/2016 |
OCC0680 |
Seabird |
WA |
Jabiru |
J250 |
Jabiru |
3300 |
Aircraft operating under VFR entered IMC due to the weather deteriorated from the NAIPS forecast.
Aircraft operating under VFR entered IMC due to the weather deteriorated from the NAIPS forecast.
OUTCOME: Pilot failed to maintain VMC flight due to stress of weather and continued to operate below VMC and required height minima's in order to reach his planned destination. Experienced pilots are reminded that HF considerations are paramount for successful flight outcomes and should not be compromised by years of experience or having "got away with it" in the past. Normalization of these behaviours unfortunately has led to tragedy in many recorded aviation accidents particularly in relation to continuing flights into marginal VMC. |
23/4/2016 |
OCC0648 |
Adelaide |
SA |
Jabiru |
SP 500 |
Jabiru |
2200A |
Airspace Infringement near Mount Bold Reservoir: Description:- PC12 PIL inbound to Adelaide from DRI...
Airspace Infringement near Mount Bold Reservoir: Description:- PC12 PIL inbound to Adelaide from DRINA on descent to A030 visual was given traffic on a 1200 squawk with no mode C indication crossing right to left about 14 miles south east of Adelaide. As traffic was passed, a mode C readout of A029 was received from the 1200 squawk, and PIL's descent was stopped at A040. The aircraft passed each other with no less than 1000 ft separation. The 1200 squawk was identified as Jabiru, the altitude verified, and the aircraft instructed to leave class C descending to A025.
OUTCOME: Loss of situational awareness due to inattention and distraction in close proximity to control area boundary. The experienced pilot has self evaluated his planning and in flight management errors to protect against any further occurrences
SAFETY MESSAGE: RAAus pilots are reminded to ensure adequate planning and consideration of all environmental factors when conducting flights in proximity to known controlled airspace boundaries. High work loads and distraction, due to unexpected flight conditions, can be mitigated by pilots applying generous buffers in their pre-flight planning, and vigilance to in flight navigation, and decision making. |
13/4/2016 |
OCC0622 |
Bathurst |
Jabiru |
J170 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
Glider and tug combinations operating on RWY08 conducting Left Hand (LH) circuits. Powered aircraft ...
Glider and tug combinations operating on RWY08 conducting Left Hand (LH) circuits. Powered aircraft conducting operations on RWY17. (RWY08 is not considered serviceable for powered aircraft due to high glider and tug activity inside the active RWY.)
Jabiru called inbound from the South and arrived to a busy circuit with other powered aircraft conducting LH circuits on RWY17. Gliders and tug aircraft were in operation on RWY08. Using standard procedures Jabiru announced its intentions and joined an early downwind (Left) for RWY17. Once established on downwind RWY17 Jabiru communicated with Glider and Ground to confirm separation between the gliders that were operating in the vicinity. Glider Ground advised there were two gliders “thermalling 4000’ off the threshold RWY26” and the pilot confirmed that they had them both sighted. Jabiru continued with the circuit calling both Base leg and Final approach, before landing on RWY17 and was maintaining a look-out for other aircraft (including Cessna in front, Diamond behind and the two gliders) with which the pilot had lost sight during turns to Base and Final (Jabiru being a high wing aircraft).
Once Jabiru had touched down on RWY17 the pilot noticed a glider on short final for RWY08 (at the Jabirus' 2 o'clock position) it was then the pilot decided that they did not have sufficient time to stop before RWY08. Jabiru applied full power to cross RWY08 as quickly as possible as it was the pilots best option to keep clear of the glider. Once Jabiru reached flying speed the pilot took-off and announced their intention to conduct another circuit.
OUTCOME: ATSB and RAAF have investigated this occurrence. The ATSB have provided a short bulletin on the investigation which can be read by accessing |
16/3/2016 |
OCC0610 |
Albury |
Jabiru |
J230-d LSA |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Aircraft failed to report and an INCERFA was declared. Aircraft was instructed to call clear of cont...
Aircraft failed to report and an INCERFA was declared. Aircraft was instructed to call clear of controlled airspace at 16nm AY. At 2309 calls to aircraft were unanswered from AY TWR and ML CTR. INCERFA declared and details passed to ML ORM for action. ML ORM advised that aircraft was safe on ground and INCERFA cancelled.
OUTCOME: Pilot determined that he made the appropriate departure call. Action taken to cancel INCERFA was activated immediately and no further action was required. |
15/3/2016 |
OCC0608 |
Narrandera |
Jabiru |
J230 |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Induction Hoses softening and not sealing clamps. Not...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Induction Hoses softening and not sealing clamps. Not sealing hoses for full circumference and allowing fuel/air mixture to leak and lean cylinder.
OUTCOME: Technical Manager has liaised with Jabiru for guidance on the issues. The hoses were removed and replaced at 500 h, with new hoses and clamps supplied by Jabiru fitted. Jabiru Maintenance Manual Issue 6 was used however the document was found to provide little guidance to the torque to be applied to the clamps. The new hoses have approximately 16 hours on them and the clamps and hoses on No.2 & No.4 are starting to exhibit the same issues that were previously noted. Jabiru indicated to RAAus that they would offer to review the clamps currently being utilised to see if there was a defective batch. Jabiru also offered to review their technical manual and add a procedure for tightening the clamp for owners of Jabirus. |
14/3/2016 |
OCC0602 |
Orange |
Jabiru |
J160C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
A near-miss reported. RAAus aircraft called taxiing for RWY04, which was not the operational runway,...
A near-miss reported. RAAus aircraft called taxiing for RWY04, which was not the operational runway, however did not make any further CTAF calls until turning crosswind. The aircraft was aware of other traffic operating to RWY11 and had been communicating with them on the CTAF(R) frequency. RAAus aircraft conducted a takeoff on RWY04 whilst a C-27J was on short finals to RWY11.
OUTCOME: Owner of aircraft advised that the aircraft was not flown on the day in question however was flown on the Sunday (next day). Pilot was with a student and circuits were being conducted on RWY04 which was most into wind runway. No loss of separation was evident and communication and clearance was assured at all time by the pilot in command. |