Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
28/9/2016 OCC0781 Wollongong Airport NSW Jabiru LSA55/3J Jabiru 2200 The pilot had taken the aircraft up for a few circuits, RWY16 operative. The pilot was lined up well...
22/9/2016 OCC0809 23NM North of Rockhampton QLD Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A Whilst tracking North (23NM from Rockhampton for Townsville) at 4500ft as per flight plan, the aircr...
22/9/2016 OCC0761 Gayndah QLD Jabiru J230 Jabiru 3300A Engine failure as a result of fuel exhaustion. Pilot has completed this flight regularly without the...
18/9/2016 OCC0763 Port Pirie SA Jabiru J170 Jabiru 2200B Reported damage to the aircraft propeller. OUTCOME: The reporter has stated that there are two pos...
12/9/2016 OCC0750 Emkaytee Airfield NT Jabiru 230 Jabiru J3300A After finishing the pre take-off checks the pilot commenced to taxi onto the RWY and did not see the...
10/9/2016 OCC0759 Boonah QLD Jabiru Sp 500 Jabiru 3300a Tracking north from Boonah a loss of power was noticed, the oil pressure light came on and the press...
7/9/2016 OCC0760 Yarram VIC Jabiru J170 Jabiru 2200 The ATSB investigated a fatal aircraft accident involving a Jabiru J170, registration 24-5215, at Ya...
27/8/2016 OCC0739 Wollongong Regional Airport NSW Jabiru J160C Jabiru 22B Aircraft was lined up for take-off on RWY26. As the pilot commenced the take-off run, the aircraft s...
20/8/2016 OCC0743 Adelaide Soaring Club, Gawler SA Jabiru J170C Jabiru 2200B The pilot (instructor) and student were taxiing out towards RWY23 whilst listening out on the radio ...
17/8/2016 OCC0807 Moorabbin Airport VIC Jabiru J-160C Jabiru 2200 The pilot was issued instructions to join the circuit and follow a C172. The pilot turned and mistak...
30/7/2016 OCC0741 Wellcamp Airport QLD Jabiru J160 Jabiru 2200 Pilot experienced a loss of control on the runway upon landing. The aircraft nose wheel was not stra...
27/7/2016 OCC0755 Gawler Airfield SA Jabiru 230 Jabiru 3300 Pilot was conducting a take off on RWY23 for a short local flight. Appropriate radio calls were give...
24/7/2016 OCC0715 Moree NSW Jabiru 170C Jabiru 2200 A student had completed the first part of a two stage solo flying assignment and was returning to th...
17/7/2016 OCC0717 Fort Courage NSW Jabiru J120c Jabiru 2200B The pilot and passenger were 8 nm from their destination of Wentworth and were conducting a circuit ...
17/7/2016 OCC0710 Wudinna SA Jabiru J230-D Jabiru 3300-A At about 1730 local time the pilot was landing in a paddock on private property and flew into a Mall...