Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
14/11/2016 OCC0826 Lismore NSW Jabiru J230-D Jabiru 3300A OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: The aircraft transceiver has started to randomly flip...
12/11/2016 OCC0820 2km South of Miling WA Jabiru J170D Jabiru 2200 A mechanical failure of the engine occurred during a cross country training flight, resulting in an ...
9/11/2016 OCC0812 Orange Airport NSW Jabiru 160C Jabiru 2200B Aircraft experiences a bird strike on landing with no damage to aircraft reported. OUTCOME: This i...
9/11/2016 OCC0817 Echuca Airport VIC Jabiru J160c Jabiru 2200B Conducting circuits on a sealed RWY. As the main gear came into contact with the RWY there was a jol...
7/11/2016 OCC0811 Cobbity NSW Jabiru J160C Jabiru 2200B A precautionary landing was conducted after the pilot noted engine vibration in normal flight. OUTC...
6/11/2016 OCC0900 Buckland TAS Jabiru J120C Jabiru 2200 On approach to a one way private airfield, an unexpected tailwind was encountered. The pilot was add...
4/11/2016 OCC0813 Narrogin Airfield WA Jabiru J170 Jabiru 2200 Tow plane attempted to land and was prevented by an aircraft occupying the runway. OUTCOME: RAAus O...
28/10/2016 OCC0793 Forest Hill NSW Jabiru J160C Jabiru 2200 CFI was conducting post maintenance check flight. Fuel load for the flight was 25L. Fuel had not bee...
22/10/2016 OCC0842 George Town Airport TAS Jabiru 55 LSA Jabiru 2.2 During the first circuit of the day the top engine cowling departed the aircraft. OUTCOME: The orig...
21/10/2016 OCC0800 Condobolin NSW Jabiru J200 Camit 3300 An oil leak was noticed during flight. Upon inspection after landing an approximately 10 mm split in...
19/10/2016 OCC0784 Gawler Airfield SA Jabiru J170D Jabiru 2200B An aircraft was backtracking on the RWY after landing and another aircraft was on final. The aircraf...
18/10/2016 OCC0787 Bundaberg QLD Jabiru J160-C DEFECT: On prefight inspection oil was detected around the nose wheel. The cowl was removed which sh...
17/10/2016 OCC0783 SW of Fort Cooper QLD Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A The aircraft experienced a sudden and total engine failure and consequently landed on a dirt road. ...
12/10/2016 OCC0782 South Grafton Airfield NSW Jabiru 230 Jabiru 3300A The pilot carried out the usual walk around and pre-flight checks. The aircraft proceeded to take of...
5/10/2016 OCC0773 Wiluna WA Jabiru J 230 Jabiru 3300A After inspecting the landing area the aircraft made a normal approach from the West and touched down...