Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
14/11/2016 |
OCC0826 |
Lismore |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: The aircraft transceiver has started to randomly flip...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: The aircraft transceiver has started to randomly flip-flop the standby frequency with the active frequency for no apparent reason. This has occurred once or twice at any stage of flight.
OUTCOME: Member has contacted the manufacturer directly due to this aircraft being a LSA. RAAus have this as the first recorded defect on this aircraft type and will liaise with the manufacturer if more reports of this nature are received. |
12/11/2016 |
OCC0820 |
2km South of Miling |
WA |
Jabiru |
J170D |
Jabiru |
2200 |
A mechanical failure of the engine occurred during a cross country training flight, resulting in an ...
A mechanical failure of the engine occurred during a cross country training flight, resulting in an emergency landing in an outfield. The engine presented no signs of any issues and all temps and pressures were well within operating standards at the time of the engine failure.
OUTCOME: Engine appears to have No. 4 piston collapse with conrod or big end impacting crankcase internals. Engine will be sent to manufacturer (LSA) to conduct a strip down and the surviving pistons will be crack checked by Aerospace NDI company. LSA aircraft which comes under ATSM standard with CASA. |
9/11/2016 |
OCC0812 |
Orange Airport |
Jabiru |
160C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
Aircraft experiences a bird strike on landing with no damage to aircraft reported.
OUTCOME: This i...
Aircraft experiences a bird strike on landing with no damage to aircraft reported.
OUTCOME: This is the first report regarding a bird strike in this area. RAAus will continue to monitor any bird strikes reports for this area and ensure information in the ERSA for the local area advises appropriate information. |
9/11/2016 |
OCC0817 |
Echuca Airport |
Jabiru |
J160c |
Jabiru |
2200B |
Conducting circuits on a sealed RWY. As the main gear came into contact with the RWY there was a jol...
Conducting circuits on a sealed RWY. As the main gear came into contact with the RWY there was a jolt felt through the rudder pedals. The aircraft was more than halfway down the RWY and the pilot pushed the throttle to full power and initiated a go around. After the aircraft lifted off the RWY the pilot realized there was no rudder control at all. The pilot then flew a low level circuit and landed the aircraft safely without further incident.
OUTCOME: On inspection it was found that the rudder cable had broken on the rearmost thread (which is used to adjust cable length) where the cable is attached to the rudder pedals. The Jabiru Service Bulletin and inspection had been carried out by L2 about 3 weeks prior to the incident with no defects evident at the time. Due to this aircraft being an LSA and coming under the ASTM standards, de-identified information has been forwarded to CASA for follow up with the required manufacturer. |
7/11/2016 |
OCC0811 |
Cobbity |
Jabiru |
J160C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
A precautionary landing was conducted after the pilot noted engine vibration in normal flight.
A precautionary landing was conducted after the pilot noted engine vibration in normal flight.
OUTCOME: Aircraft has been inspected and a section of the propeller spinner back plate become dislodged during flight which caused the vibration. |
6/11/2016 |
OCC0900 |
Buckland |
Jabiru |
J120C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
On approach to a one way private airfield, an unexpected tailwind was encountered. The pilot was add...
On approach to a one way private airfield, an unexpected tailwind was encountered. The pilot was additionally forced to hold off the touch-down due to noticing unexpected loose stones on the approach end of the paddock. The plane was landed normally on the remainder of the paddock however the grassed surface had a pronounced undulation which greatly reduced the braking effectiveness. The plane was almost brought to a stop however made contact with some bushes at the far end, resulting in one propeller blade being broken.
OUTCOME: On approach to a one way private airfield, an unexpected tailwind was encountered, and in an effort to avoid loose stones an extended float occurred. The aircraft landed normally on the remainder of the paddock, but the grassed surface had a pronounced undulation which greatly reduced the braking effectiveness. The aircraft was almost stopped when it made contact with bushes at the far end, resulting in one propeller blade being broken. Appropriate engine teardown and required maintenance was subsequently conducted. |
4/11/2016 |
OCC0813 |
Narrogin Airfield |
WA |
Jabiru |
J170 |
Jabiru |
2200 |
Tow plane attempted to land and was prevented by an aircraft occupying the runway.
Tow plane attempted to land and was prevented by an aircraft occupying the runway.
OUTCOME: RAAus Operations contacted the pilot of the aircraft and recommended a ground and flight review to provide assurance of understanding of operations with gliders. |
28/10/2016 |
OCC0793 |
Forest Hill |
Jabiru |
J160C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
CFI was conducting post maintenance check flight. Fuel load for the flight was 25L. Fuel had not bee...
CFI was conducting post maintenance check flight. Fuel load for the flight was 25L. Fuel had not been added since the previous flight. Pre-take off engine run-ups were conducted. After take off, the engine power rapidly reduced below that required to maintain straight and level flight. A turn back to the departure RWY was not safely practicable so the pilot elected to land in a paddock. The engine continued to run smoothly at low power until the aircraft was on the ground. The power loss occurred after, but not co-incident with, a cruise-climb power setting being selected. The aircraft landed successfully.
OUTCOME: A full inspection was conducted and no clear cause for the rough running of the engine was identified. The incident flight was a post-maintenance test however inspection showed no clear causal factor. Carb icing was also considered a possibility due to the conditions at the time of the incident being in the second highest band IE on the icing probability chart (moderate icing at cruise power) however there was no roughness or kicking in the engine to signal to the pilot the need for heat (there was simply a rapid power-down). The aircraft has been fully inspected and back in normal service. |
22/10/2016 |
OCC0842 |
George Town Airport |
Jabiru |
55 LSA |
Jabiru |
2.2 |
During the first circuit of the day the top engine cowling departed the aircraft.
OUTCOME: The orig...
During the first circuit of the day the top engine cowling departed the aircraft.
OUTCOME: The originating cause of the cowl separation could not be determined but the CFI conducted an independent inspection and confirmed the pin locking system was secured in the pre-flight cross check. In interviewing the CFI it could not be clearly excluded that the clasp fastenings were correctly secured under the retainers prior to flight. The cowl has never been located, so further investigation cannot be undertaken at this time. It is essential that all pilots and particularly instructors lead by example in timely reporting of all incidents or accidents in accordance with ATSB and Operations Manual requirements. |
21/10/2016 |
OCC0800 |
Condobolin |
Jabiru |
J200 |
Camit |
3300 |
An oil leak was noticed during flight. Upon inspection after landing an approximately 10 mm split in...
An oil leak was noticed during flight. Upon inspection after landing an approximately 10 mm split in the oil filter was found.
OUTCOME: This report has been reviewed by RAAus and logged for any recurrence - the filter was replaced, inspected and tested before the flight continued. |
19/10/2016 |
OCC0784 |
Gawler Airfield |
SA |
Jabiru |
J170D |
Jabiru |
2200B |
An aircraft was backtracking on the RWY after landing and another aircraft was on final. The aircraf...
An aircraft was backtracking on the RWY after landing and another aircraft was on final. The aircraft that was backtracking had only just turned off and vacated the RWY when the second aircraft touched down to the same position that had recently been vacated.
OUTCOME: All pilots are reminded to err on the side of caution to avoid runway proximity incidents, reliance on radio, incorrect procedures, limitations in visual scanning and inattention can all contribute to possible proximity events in the circuit area. Command thinking is a key component of good airmanship and assertive decision making (to reduce risk when a risk is identified) is paramount. When any doubt exists regarding the safety of continuing an approach the only decision should be to conduct a missed approach as early as possible. |
18/10/2016 |
OCC0787 |
Bundaberg |
Jabiru |
J160-C |
DEFECT: On prefight inspection oil was detected around the nose wheel. The cowl was removed which sh...
DEFECT: On prefight inspection oil was detected around the nose wheel. The cowl was removed which showed residues of oil. Further investigation showed that aircraft had a broken bottom front stud on the right hand front cylinder.
OUTCOME: This issue is covered by Service Bulletin JSB031-1, further revised in issue 2 and 3. The manufacturer initially carried out work completed at that time. When follow up on revisions 2 and 3 were carried out by a LAME, the log book entry had been incorrectly interpreted as being compliant. RAAus advises all maintainers to enter all maintenance work carried out into log books precisely, therefore leaving no room for incorrect interpretation. |
17/10/2016 |
OCC0783 |
SW of Fort Cooper |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
The aircraft experienced a sudden and total engine failure and consequently landed on a dirt road.
The aircraft experienced a sudden and total engine failure and consequently landed on a dirt road.
OUTCOME: This aircraft experienced an engine failure which has had an partial engine examination conducted by the manufacturer. The aircraft is a LSA and as such this information has been provided to CASA who oversee manufacturers under the American Society of Testing/ Manufacturing (ASTM) Standards. |
12/10/2016 |
OCC0782 |
South Grafton Airfield |
Jabiru |
230 |
Jabiru |
3300A |
The pilot carried out the usual walk around and pre-flight checks. The aircraft proceeded to take of...
The pilot carried out the usual walk around and pre-flight checks. The aircraft proceeded to take off. On climb at 80 kts and around 500 ft, the pilot noticed that there was little response from the joy stick controlling the ailerons (when wanting to turn right the aircraft wanted to veer left). The pilot managed to overfly the airfield and tried to setup a landing. The aircraft suddenly went left, lost height and impacted the ground. Both pilot and passenger removed themselves from the aircraft. Emergency services attended the scene.
OUTCOME: During downwind departure, pilot did not recognise aircraft was close to a stalled state, and as a result of completing a turn to the airfield, the aircraft stalled and spun at low level. Aircraft was extensively damaged and the pilot suffered a broken jaw and a number of cracked ribs, while the passenger sustained bruising. The pilot has been required to complete a flight review focusing on stall recognition and recovery prior to further flight. |
5/10/2016 |
OCC0773 |
Wiluna |
WA |
Jabiru |
J 230 |
Jabiru |
3300A |
After inspecting the landing area the aircraft made a normal approach from the West and touched down...
After inspecting the landing area the aircraft made a normal approach from the West and touched down normally. The plane started to veer to the left after approx. 70m, the pilot had applied full right rudder in but it kept veering to the left. The pilot applied brake with the aircraft still veering to the left. The aircraft ran off the landing area hitting a tree and knocking the left wing off. The aircraft came to a stop and fuel was going everywhere. After the pilot exited the aircraft caught fire.
OUTCOME: Investigation has determined that the most likely cause of this incident was landing on a flat tyre. |