Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
28/2/2017 |
OCC0997 |
Tunbridge airfield |
Jabiru |
J120C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: A new crankshaft was found to be tight on assembly in the rec...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: A new crankshaft was found to be tight on assembly in the recently machined crankcase (i.e. no fretting). Discussion with the manufacturer suggested this was normal with all new components used and explained the only likely cause is from a fretted case or worn bearings. The case has only 10 hours use after manufacturer machining, with no tightness using the original crankshaft.
The new crankshaft tightness had similar characteristics to being in a fretted case, but with a pronounced "tighter" portion in part of a 360 degree revolution. |
27/2/2017 |
OCC0959 |
Wagga Wagga |
Jabiru |
230D |
Jabiru |
3300 |
After turning a wide base on RWY05 the motor started to "splutter". Each time it looked like stalli...
After turning a wide base on RWY05 the motor started to "splutter". Each time it looked like stalling the pilot would push the throttle in and out and this seemed to work until close to the RWY when it stopped altogether. From there the aircraft landed on RWY05 with the propeller stopped. The aircraft had enough momentum to exit the RWY on taxiway Charlie and then had to be pushed.
OUTCOME: Technical Manager reviewed the report and liaised with owner and maintainer. The aircraft was inspected and the carby pulled apart and inspected. Nil defects evident and the carb was re-assembled and tested. Aircraft has been operating since the inspection without further concerns. It would a appear that a small amount of grime may have been the issue. |
18/2/2017 |
OCC0925 |
Brisbane West Wellcamp |
Jabiru |
J160C |
Jabiru |
2200 B |
Conducting touch and go's, the aircraft came to a full stop landing. The pilot then applied full pow...
Conducting touch and go's, the aircraft came to a full stop landing. The pilot then applied full power to take off and after 25-40 meters into wind, the Port wing rose suddenly and the aircraft "wheel barrowed" on the front wheel and starboard main wheel, striking propellor and just touching starboard wingtip. The aircraft then righted itself, and came to a stop.OUTCOME: Runway Loss of Control event R-LOC. PIC has undertaken additional training and counseling. |
12/2/2017 |
OCC0914 |
Atherton Airport |
J230 |
Jabiru |
3300 |
After completing pre-flight checks the pilot taxied to the runway threshold and lined up for take-of...
After completing pre-flight checks the pilot taxied to the runway threshold and lined up for take-off. After giving a rolling call, full power was applied and initial speed pick up was good but as the aircraft went up the hill it didn't pick up in the long wet grass. On the flat it slowly picked up speed in the long wet grass however the pilot felt there was not enough runway left so, closed the throttle and applied the brakes. The brakes locked and skidded so the pilot released them and reapplied several times, not as hard, then started to make a right turn but was still too fast. The pilot was concerned that the left wing would contact the ground so decreased the turn. Then the aircraft slid into a fence hitting a post which caused a prop strike, then bounced back and the tail made contact with a post at the back.
OUTCOME: Pilots are reminded to consider appropriate Take off rejection points as part of their Pre Take-off safety brief with particular consideration to variations in slope of runway and surface conditions. |
26/1/2017 |
OCC0908 |
Orbost Airport |
Jabiru |
J160C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
Shortly after landing in a cross wind, the aircraft suddenly veered left while still traveling appro...
Shortly after landing in a cross wind, the aircraft suddenly veered left while still traveling approximately 50kt. This sharp turn resulted in the aircraft rolling to starboard and running off LH side of strip onto shoulder. As the pilot corrected and turned right, the prop struck the tarmac, due to being lower to ground, and as a result of aircraft rolling onto two wheels.
OUTCOME: While landing at a tarmac airport, the pilot, who had previously been trained at a grass aerodrome, may not have corrected for the crosswind, and straightened the nose wheel prior to touching down. The pilot is completing further revision of cross wind technique and landing at hard surfaced runways. Pilots are reminded of the RAAus Runway - Loss of Control videos for further education about these issues |
25/1/2017 |
OCC0899 |
Wynyard |
Jabiru |
LSA 55 |
Jabiru |
2200A |
Soon after touchdown the pilot heard a light cracking sound and the right wing dropped slightly. The...
Soon after touchdown the pilot heard a light cracking sound and the right wing dropped slightly. The pilot assumed that there was a problem with the undercarriage and immediately put the stick hard to the left and eased in right rudder to take the weight of the right wheel. Turning of the RWY onto the grass the aircraft completely stopped just before the wing touched lightly onto the grass as the broken undercarriage bracket let the undercarriage leg twist forward.
Outcome: The Technical Manager has discussed the issue with the owner. This issue has subsequently been referred to CASA as the aircraft is type certified. |
21/1/2017 |
OCC0889 |
Devonport |
Jabiru |
LSA55/2K |
Jabiru |
2200 |
The aircraft bounced hard on landing in a crosswind, resulting in a collapsed nose wheel mounting.
The aircraft bounced hard on landing in a crosswind, resulting in a collapsed nose wheel mounting.
OUTCOME: Runway Loss of Control accident by student pilot on second series of supervised solo circuits. Pilot handling skills, combined with changing crosswind conditions, were significant contributing factors in this accident. |
12/1/2017 |
OCC0877 |
Naracoorte |
SA |
Jabiru |
SK |
Jabiru |
2.2 |
An aircraft landed on the closed RWY. The RWY was marked with closure markers (white crosses) as def...
An aircraft landed on the closed RWY. The RWY was marked with closure markers (white crosses) as defined by the Method of Work Practices (MOWP) and a NOTAM had been issued.
OUTCOME: The pilot was aware of the requirement to obtain NOTAMs, however did not for this flight. He was also aware of the significance of the white crosses, however he did not observe these until late final. He did not conduct a go-around as he felt there was no conflict with the machinery. Pilot was counselled on the importance of obtaining and preplanning flights. He will ensure NOTAMs are obtained prior to future flights. |
30/12/2016 |
OCC0867 |
Moorook |
SA |
Jabiru |
SK4 |
Jabiru |
2200J |
Initial report stated that the aircraft experienced a rough running engine when coming into land in ...
Initial report stated that the aircraft experienced a rough running engine when coming into land in a field, where the aircraft struck power lines. Aircraft has been destroyed and the pilot and passenger had minor injuries.
OUTCOME: RAAus Operations had discussions with PIC regarding possible casual factors which led to this incident. PIC admit that the aircraft did not experience engine difficulties and that they were actually flying low causing the aircraft to strike power lines. Operations has proposed for the PIC to complete a Low Level (LL) training (not for issues of LL endorsement, for educational purposes) with an appropriately endorsed CFI prior to any further flight. |
23/12/2016 |
OCC0940 |
The Oaks |
Jabiru |
J230 D |
Jabiru |
The engine started to run rough approximately 12NM from the airfield. The pilot returned to the airf...
The engine started to run rough approximately 12NM from the airfield. The pilot returned to the airfield, when on late finals the engine cut out. The aircraft landed successfully with no damage or injury.
OUTCOME: RAAus Technical Manager spoke with the pilot/ owner who stated that the engine issues appeared to be due to the exhaust value breaking which caused a catastrophic internal failure of the engine. The pilot/ owner has been working closely with the manufacturer who have provided a brand new engine with roller rockers and a redesigned cam profile which will remove some of the cam pressure on the value train. |
23/12/2016 |
OCC0874 |
Lethbridge Airport |
Jabiru |
SP500 |
Jabiru |
2200 |
The aircraft was taxied along the grass taxiway running parallel to RWY10, upon reaching a position ...
The aircraft was taxied along the grass taxiway running parallel to RWY10, upon reaching a position adjacent to the "Piano Keys" the aircraft was turned at 90 degrees to the runway direction to enter the runway just short of the threshold gable markers. Unseen by the pilot was an unmarked drain/culvert which also ran parallel to the runway and was hidden from sight by the grass. As the aircraft began to cross the drain, the propeller tips encountered the earth on the far side if the depression delaminating them for a length of approximately 70mm. The aircraft was withdrawn from service until a replacement propeller was fitted and the Jabiru post prop strike procedure was completed.
OUTCOME: While taxiing, the pilot was not aware of a depression in the ground in the grass, resulting in a propeller strike. All required actions after propeller strike now conducted. |
15/12/2016 |
OCC0850 |
Bundaberg Airport |
Jabiru |
J120 |
Jabiru |
2200 |
The aircraft landing was uneventful, however the right hand tyre deflated during the rollout. The ai...
The aircraft landing was uneventful, however the right hand tyre deflated during the rollout. The aircraft was pushed clear of the main RWY. The tyre and tube were replaced and the aircraft taxied back to the hanger.
OUTCOME: On inspection of the tyre a 8 mm long piece of wire was found and removed (which caused the tyre to deflate). The tyre and tube have been replaced and aircraft operatable. |
1/12/2016 |
OCC0843 |
Kingston-on-Murray |
SA |
Jabiru |
LSA55/3J |
Jabiru |
2200J |
On take-off, just after rotation, the aircraft impacted with a bird. The contact was with the propel...
On take-off, just after rotation, the aircraft impacted with a bird. The contact was with the propeller which separated. The aircraft was lowered back to the RWY resulting in the aircraft running off the end and impacting with a tree.
OUTCOME: First report of bird strike in this area. The pilot was flying near dusk, a known time for increased risk of bird or animal strike. No further action required. |
18/11/2016 |
OCC0829 |
Portland Airport |
Jabiru |
J160C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
The pilot had conducted three circuits. On the final leg of the circuit approach from base at 700 f...
The pilot had conducted three circuits. On the final leg of the circuit approach from base at 700 ft maintaining at 60 to 65 kt. The aircraft ballooned after contact with the ground and struck hard on second contact. The heavy landing broke the front wheel spat, a part of which fell off aircraft onto the RWY. The pilot detected that the spat was damaged on return to hangar and contacted airport groundsman of the potential hazard on the RWY.
OUTCOME: Report has been reviewed by RAAus Operations. The pilot stated that they reduced power too fast in the flare and did not apply or maintain sufficient power during ballooning period maintain flight. |
16/11/2016 |
OCC0825 |
Orange Airport |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
During early circuit training, a student on their first landing after a couple of weeks break lost d...
During early circuit training, a student on their first landing after a couple of weeks break lost directional control on landing roll due to the crosswind and rolled to runway edge striking a runway light.
OUTCOME: RAAus Operations have reviewed this report. The loss of directional control was due to the inexperience of the student pilot in crosswinds. The student is continuing training with CFI. |