Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
28/2/2017 OCC0997 Tunbridge airfield TAS Jabiru J120C Jabiru 2200 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: A new crankshaft was found to be tight on assembly in the rec...
27/2/2017 OCC0959 Wagga Wagga NSW Jabiru 230D Jabiru 3300 After turning a wide base on RWY05 the motor started to "splutter". Each time it looked like stalli...
18/2/2017 OCC0925 Brisbane West Wellcamp QLD Jabiru J160C Jabiru 2200 B Conducting touch and go's, the aircraft came to a full stop landing. The pilot then applied full pow...
12/2/2017 OCC0914 Atherton Airport QLD JABIRU J230 Jabiru 3300 After completing pre-flight checks the pilot taxied to the runway threshold and lined up for take-of...
26/1/2017 OCC0908 Orbost Airport VIC Jabiru J160C Jabiru 2200 Shortly after landing in a cross wind, the aircraft suddenly veered left while still traveling appro...
25/1/2017 OCC0899 Wynyard TAS Jabiru LSA 55 Jabiru 2200A Soon after touchdown the pilot heard a light cracking sound and the right wing dropped slightly. The...
21/1/2017 OCC0889 Devonport TAS Jabiru LSA55/2K Jabiru 2200 The aircraft bounced hard on landing in a crosswind, resulting in a collapsed nose wheel mounting. ...
12/1/2017 OCC0877 Naracoorte SA Jabiru SK Jabiru 2.2 An aircraft landed on the closed RWY. The RWY was marked with closure markers (white crosses) as def...
30/12/2016 OCC0867 Moorook SA Jabiru SK4 Jabiru 2200J Initial report stated that the aircraft experienced a rough running engine when coming into land in ...
23/12/2016 OCC0940 The Oaks NSW Jabiru J230 D Jabiru The engine started to run rough approximately 12NM from the airfield. The pilot returned to the airf...
23/12/2016 OCC0874 Lethbridge Airport VIC Jabiru SP500 Jabiru 2200 The aircraft was taxied along the grass taxiway running parallel to RWY10, upon reaching a position ...
15/12/2016 OCC0850 Bundaberg Airport QLD Jabiru J120 Jabiru 2200 The aircraft landing was uneventful, however the right hand tyre deflated during the rollout. The ai...
1/12/2016 OCC0843 Kingston-on-Murray SA Jabiru LSA55/3J Jabiru 2200J On take-off, just after rotation, the aircraft impacted with a bird. The contact was with the propel...
18/11/2016 OCC0829 Portland Airport VIC Jabiru J160C Jabiru 2200 The pilot had conducted three circuits. On the final leg of the circuit approach from base at 700 f...
16/11/2016 OCC0825 Orange Airport NSW Jabiru J160 Jabiru 2200B During early circuit training, a student on their first landing after a couple of weeks break lost d...