Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
22/5/2017 |
OCC1049 |
Yangebup |
WA |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During a flight, the oil door became dislodged and eventually...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During a flight, the oil door became dislodged and eventually departed the aircraft. The pilot diverted to a nearby airport to ensure no issues existed with the aircraft.
Pilots are reminded of the importance of conducting a pre-flight on an aircraft with an expectation that the aircraft is un-airworthy until the inspection proves otherwise and maintainers must ensure any movement or wear of parts is not worse from one inspection cycle to the next. |
21/5/2017 |
OCC1032 |
Wedderburn Airport |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
The pilot was conducting circuits and was climbing on crosswind (about to turn downwind) and what lo...
The pilot was conducting circuits and was climbing on crosswind (about to turn downwind) and what looked like a Piper Warrior flew straight towards the aircraft at the same altitude. The pilot took action and pushed the nose down. The other aircraft appeared to be flying into the sun towards the Camden area. No radio calls were heard by the pilot (which was confirmed by ground personnel). The pilot continued to do an orbit to join cross wind again on the dead side before conducting a full stop landing.
OUTCOME: The reporter stated that possible factors that contributed to the incident was that the other aircraft was flying into direct sun, at circuit height. Additionally they did not conduct an overfly call for the area. RAAus Operations have reviewed the report - members are reminded that they should be aware of overfly procedures especially when planning any navigational flights which may include flying over airfield circuit areas. Due to the aircraft being VH registered RAAus has refered this matter to CASA for further action. |
13/5/2017 |
OCC1033 |
Sth Goulburn Island |
NT |
Jabiru |
j120C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
While taxiing, the aircraft became unstable. As the pilot was turning to return to the apron the win...
While taxiing, the aircraft became unstable. As the pilot was turning to return to the apron the wind gust upset the plane which resulted in a wingtip and propeller touching the surface of the runway.
OUTCOME: Pilot advised that lessons learnt were to gain better aileron control and situational awareness when ground handling the aircraft. RAAus Operations have reviewed the information and proposed corrective actions, no further actions required. Members are reminded that awareness of ground handling is required. |
30/4/2017 |
OCC1017 |
Kadina |
SA |
Jabiru |
170 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
A pilot preformed a touch and go on an airfield that was closed. The cross to indicate a closed stri...
A pilot preformed a touch and go on an airfield that was closed. The cross to indicate a closed strip was not seen by the pilot.
OUTCOME: Pilots are encouraged to overfly aerodromes in accordance with AIP ENR 1.1 – 82 Paragraph 10.9.5 to visually confirm (in the signal circle) that the aerodrome is serviceable. Pilots are also reminded that calling an aerodrome (see ERSA for contact details) will also assist in determining the status of facilities. This is particularly important at locations where a full NOTAM service is not available. |
28/4/2017 |
OCC1015 |
Gatton Airpark Airport |
Jabiru |
LSA55/3J |
Jabiru |
2200J |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: When flying back after a 25 hourly service, an oil ho...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: When flying back after a 25 hourly service, an oil hose split during flight causing oil pressure to drop to nil. As the pilot was still in the circuit at YGAS, they reduced throttle to idle and conducted an immediate landing. The split hose was replaced. |
21/4/2017 |
OCC1004 |
Albany |
WA |
Jabiru |
SP500 |
Jabiru |
Jabiru 2.2 |
The pilot Left the hangar at 9.25am, gave taxi call for RWY32, and then gave an entry and back track...
The pilot Left the hangar at 9.25am, gave taxi call for RWY32, and then gave an entry and back track call for 32. After which they gave a departure call on 32 stating they would be tracking 330. The pilot did not give an intended height as they intended to fly above the inversion which the pilot estimated to be about 4000ft. At approx. 7m N at about 3800ft. the pilot saw an incoming aircraft to Albany at a similar flight level slightly to their right. The aircraft was RPT. The aircraft also appeared to be taking evasive action to the left and passed to the right at a distance of about 300m. In the 15min that the pilots’ radio was on they was not aware of any incoming call. The pilot believes their radio was OK as there was other traffic at Albany and the RPT acknowledged that they had heard my departure call but that the pilot had not made a post take off call, which is correct, they intended to do so at 4000ft. The pilot is very aware of commercial aircraft at Albany and their priority, keeping to the E of any incoming or departing aircraft. RPT on radio said they had made a call. If this is so the pilot did not hear it.
Outcome: The reporting pilot carried out all required procedures at this non- controlled AD and was situationally aware of the general presence of RPT traffic. This incident highlights the overarching importance of well developed and practiced "See and Avoid" disciplines and appropriate avoidance action which were effectively applied in this instance. |
19/4/2017 |
OCC1006 |
Redcliffe Airport |
Jabiru |
160C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
The aircraft experienced a total engine failure within the circuit area of Redcliffe Airport, the en...
The aircraft experienced a total engine failure within the circuit area of Redcliffe Airport, the engine stopped suddenly without prior indication. Normal engine failure procedures were undertaken and the aircraft was flown onto the approach of RWY07 at Redcliffe. Due to prevailing gusting winds at the time the aircraft contacted the ground in a sideways motion causing the nose gear to collapse with subsequent damage to the undercarriage and fuselage.
OUTCOME: Incident has been refereed to Airworthiness and Engineering branch of CASA. |
12/4/2017 |
OCC1000 |
Tunbridge Airfield |
Jabiru |
J120C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft landed with a flat main wheel tyre, damaging the...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft landed with a flat main wheel tyre, damaging the disc rotor. Due to the design of the brakes, the brake disc diameter is larger than the rolling flat tyre diameter of the wheel. This can allow the disc rotor to freely roll on the runway surface causing bending and burring damage to the thin disc, rendering it u/s or worst case, jamming in the caliper assembly, locking the wheel from turning.
DETERMINED OUTCOME: This occurrence has been referred to CASA engineering and airworthiness branch and the manufacturer for further monitoring and action where required. |
17/3/2017 |
OCC0977 |
Deniliquin |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300 |
The engine started to run rough approximately 8NM from Deniliquin and subsequently failed on approac...
The engine started to run rough approximately 8NM from Deniliquin and subsequently failed on approach to the airfield.
OUTCOME: Initial inspection by L1 maintainer has shown that the engine has lost a valve and seat. Due to aircraft being an LSA the engine has been sent to the manufacturer, along with copies of the log books/ The owner is awaiting to hear from the manufacturer the outcome of the engine tear down inspection. |
11/3/2017 |
OCC0963 |
Sunshine Coast Airport |
Jabiru |
J170 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
Having been cleared for take-off on RWY 18 with instructions to make left turn, the pilot commenced ...
Having been cleared for take-off on RWY 18 with instructions to make left turn, the pilot commenced the left turn. During the turn the pilot was distracted with a radio squelch issue, and rather than intercept the southbound track, continued in the left turn whilst trying to sort the radio out. The pilot then realised at the same time that the tower queried, that they were heading in the wrong direction and advised the tower they would continue turning left and set course overhead. The pilot apologised to the controller who then cleared the aircraft and directed it to the first reporting point, and the aircraft departed the Control zone.
OUTCOME: Due to the pilot's distraction with the radio, he did not follow the departure instructions of the controller, resulting in a non-standard departure. The pilot self identified the factors and provided analysis of his actions to prevent recurrence. |
9/3/2017 |
OCC0952 |
Lismore |
Jabiru |
230 D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
While turning through 180 degrees to vacate the RWY to let RPT land, a wind gust caused a large radi...
While turning through 180 degrees to vacate the RWY to let RPT land, a wind gust caused a large radius turn causing the aircraft to leave the sealed surface by a metre where it hit a soft patch of ground. This resulted in a nose wheel sink followed by a prop strike.
OUTCOME: While attempting to clear the runway for an inbound RPT, the aircraft did not turn as expected due to a strong crosswind and the pilot did not manage the aircraft resulting in running off the runway and a propeller strike. |
4/3/2017 |
OCC0946 |
Tanunda |
SA |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Camit Aero |
22SLRE |
During flight at approximately 4000ft, a drone was spotted slightly right flying towards the aircraf...
During flight at approximately 4000ft, a drone was spotted slightly right flying towards the aircraft missing their starboard side by less than 20m as it passed, the tell-tale green light on the pod underneath could be seen. The pilot and PAX agreed it was a drone. When first spotted the pilot thought it was an eagle, so banked slightly left. Its appearance when passing was of a dark shaded flying wing, with curved end winglets facing down, having the green pod central underneath. The aircraft landed safely with no further incident.
OUTCOME: de-identified information forward to CASA office for monitoring of drone activity affecting RAAus aircraft operations. RAAus will continue to monitor reports regarding near misses with drones and RAAus aircraft. |
3/3/2017 |
OCC0953 |
Minlaton |
SA |
Jabiru |
SP470 |
Jabiru |
2200 |
The aircraft had been cruising at 3500ft and was returning to a private landing strip after a flight...
The aircraft had been cruising at 3500ft and was returning to a private landing strip after a flight lasting about 0.7 hours. About 3NM out the pilot reduced power to 2500RPM to begin descent in preparation for landing. Within approximately 5 minutes of reducing power the engine made a peculiar noise and immediately began running very roughly, with a vibration and a mechanical scraping noise. The pilot reduced power to idle with no effect on noise or rough running so the engine down shut. The pilot made an uneventful forced landing in a paddock near the private landing strip.
OUTCOME: The engine of the aircraft has been fully inspected and was found to have a few issues with the cylinders that were not obvious externally. Due to a combination of shorter cylinders with taller pistons and an early version of head design this has meant that the engine should have only ever been run on Avgas. |
28/2/2017 |
OCC0999 |
Tunbridge airfield |
Jabiru |
J120C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: New propellor mounting bolts X 4 were purchased from the manu...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: New propellor mounting bolts X 4 were purchased from the manufacturer as part of a full engine rebuild following a prop strike event. These bolts were unusable due to having a significant banana type of bend along their entire length.
OUTCOME: This issue has been referred to CASA for ongoing monitoring and action as required. |
28/2/2017 |
OCC0998 |
Tunbridge airfield |
Jabiru |
J120C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: New propellor hubs as purchased from the manufacturer followi...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: New propellor hubs as purchased from the manufacturer following a prop strike event were found to have scratch damage on one interior machined face. This damage looked to have been attempted to be concealed/ repaired using fine sandpaper.
DETERMINED OUTCOME: Referred to CASA airworthiness and engineering branch for ongoing monitoring. |