Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
7/11/2017 OCC1204 Lilydale Airfield VIC Jabiru J160C Jabiru 2200 Bird strike: During a touch & go with a student, a bird flew up into flight path after take-off and ...
5/11/2017 OCC1198 Wyreema QLD Jabiru SP470 Jabiru 2200 A OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot went to check the oil level (cold engine) during pr...
29/10/2017 OCC1182 Charleville QLD Jabiru LSA-55 3J Jabiru 2200 When returning to Charleville airport the pilot noticed a sudden loss of oil pressure - aircraft eng...
29/10/2017 OCC1212 Murray Bridge SA Jabiru J170C Jabiru 2200 While conducting CCTs at the Murray Bridge the Aircraft suffered an engine failure at approx. 700ft ...
21/10/2017 OCC1174 Lilydale Airport VIC Jabiru J160 Jabiru 2200 During touch and go’s, on the third CCT the pilot decided on a glide approach. They completed pre-la...
15/10/2017 OCC1218 Bajool QLD Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: The bracket that holds the brake calipers on to the l...
13/10/2017 OCC1197 Caboolture QLD Jabiru J170-C Jabiru 2200B A pilot flew an aircraft without a compliant pilot certificate. Outcome: The pilot was upfront ab...
13/10/2017 OCC1199 Caboolture QLD Jabiru J170C Jabiru 2200B Unauthorised instruction of pilot. Outcome: The pilot was upfront about this issue. No further ac...
10/10/2017 OCC1208 Gawler Aerodrome SA Jabiru J170-D jabiru 2200B OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: During CCTs the pilot noticed an engine vibration and...
7/10/2017 OCC1178 Canberra ACT Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A The aircraft engine surged 5 times during climb out, at approx. 3500 ASL. The pilot returned immedia...
6/10/2017 OCC1163 Albany Regional Airport WA Jabiru J170C Jabiru 2200B Normal take-off on RWY05. At approximately 300ft the engine suffered significant loss of power accom...
2/10/2017 OCC1160 Chinchilla QLD Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A The pilot maintained too much pressure with their right foot on the rudder, resulting in the aircraf...
1/10/2017 OCC1170 Caboolture QLD Jabiru J160D Jabiru 2200B During approach and again on final approach, the crew of a Cessna 172 observed the Jabiru in close p...
21/9/2017 OCC1151 Yerong creek NSW Jabiru LSA 55 3J Jabiru 22B The aircraft experienced an RWY excursion whilst attempting a go around. Outcome: Loss of Control...
9/9/2017 OCC1142 Coolah NSW Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A The Jabiru was departing Coolah on gravel RWY08 and at the time of rotation appeared unable to climb...