Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
7/11/2017 |
OCC1204 |
Lilydale Airfield |
Jabiru |
J160C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
Bird strike: During a touch & go with a student, a bird flew up into flight path after take-off and ...
Bird strike: During a touch & go with a student, a bird flew up into flight path after take-off and a loud bang was heard. The take-off was aborted and the aircraft was landed on remaining RWY. The aircraft was checked for damage and none was found.
Outcome: RAAus continues to monitor bird strike and wildlife reports at aerodromes to ensure correct ERSA/NOTAM information is in place and to enable reporting to the aerodrome proprietor. |
5/11/2017 |
OCC1198 |
Wyreema |
Jabiru |
SP470 |
Jabiru |
2200 A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot went to check the oil level (cold engine) during pr...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot went to check the oil level (cold engine) during pre-flight, the dipstick indicated 3/4 full when first removed, they then wiped the stick clean and proceeded to drop the dipstick back in to check the level. The metal rod then separated from the plastic screw cap as it was dropped back in. The rod went into the sump and the screw cap fell into the engine bay. Both parts were retrieved and put them back together.
Outcome: This defect has been reported to CASA. |
29/10/2017 |
OCC1182 |
Charleville |
Jabiru |
LSA-55 3J |
Jabiru |
2200 |
When returning to Charleville airport the pilot noticed a sudden loss of oil pressure - aircraft eng...
When returning to Charleville airport the pilot noticed a sudden loss of oil pressure - aircraft engine was still behaving normally but they performed a precautionary landing anyway as there were not many options to land had they continued. The pilot made the landing onto a rough dirt road and lost the nose gear which pulled the aircraft off the road resulting in a flip over. The pilot and PAX were uninjured.
Outcome: Incident has been refereed to Airworthiness and Engineering branch of CASA for ongoing monitoring. |
29/10/2017 |
OCC1212 |
Murray Bridge |
SA |
Jabiru |
J170C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
While conducting CCTs at the Murray Bridge the Aircraft suffered an engine failure at approx. 700ft ...
While conducting CCTs at the Murray Bridge the Aircraft suffered an engine failure at approx. 700ft AGL and was landed back on the RWY with no further damage.
Determined Outcome: Incident has been refereed to Airworthiness and Engineering branch of CASA and to the Manufacturer for ongoing monitoring. |
21/10/2017 |
OCC1174 |
Lilydale Airport |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Jabiru |
2200 |
During touch and go’s, on the third CCT the pilot decided on a glide approach. They completed pre-la...
During touch and go’s, on the third CCT the pilot decided on a glide approach. They completed pre-landing checks early downwind and made glide approach radio call abeam southern threshold, whilst downwind. The pilot kept to an aim-point 1/3 down RWY 36, flared, then touched down somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 way along RWY 36. They applied the brakes firmly, felt some slowing, but then thought that slowing ceased, concluded that brakes had locked. The pilot released the brakes to unlock and tried applying again quickly, but less firmly. The pilot judged there to be approximately 200-300m remaining of RWY, so kept trying brakes then realised at about 150m to end ditch that the aircraft was still moving too fast. The pilot was holding full back on the stick whilst applying brakes and tried turning slightly left to increase available run as it was too late to go around, so kept trying brakes to no avail and the aircraft ran into the ditch.
Determined Outcome: RAAus are continuing to develop learning materials and training aides for pilots to aide in reducing the number of runway los of control (RLOC)occurrences. This accident is a timely reminder to pilots of the importance in picking go/no go points for touchdowns and go around procedures to mitigate the risk of RLOC. |
15/10/2017 |
OCC1218 |
Bajool |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: The bracket that holds the brake calipers on to the l...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: The bracket that holds the brake calipers on to the landing leg broke.
DETERMINED OUTCOME: This issue has been referred to the CASA Engineering and Airworthiness Branch for monitoring and action as required. The importer has also been notified. |
13/10/2017 |
OCC1197 |
Caboolture |
Jabiru |
J170-C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
A pilot flew an aircraft without a compliant pilot certificate.
Outcome: The pilot was upfront ab...
A pilot flew an aircraft without a compliant pilot certificate.
Outcome: The pilot was upfront about this issue and subsequently resolved the deficiency. No further action required. |
13/10/2017 |
OCC1199 |
Caboolture |
Jabiru |
J170C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
Unauthorised instruction of pilot.
Outcome: The pilot was upfront about this issue. No further ac...
Unauthorised instruction of pilot.
Outcome: The pilot was upfront about this issue. No further action required. |
10/10/2017 |
OCC1208 |
Gawler Aerodrome |
SA |
Jabiru |
J170-D |
jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: During CCTs the pilot noticed an engine vibration and...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: During CCTs the pilot noticed an engine vibration and made full stop landing. An investigation revealed low compression on No 1 cylinder, further investigation revealed a cracked cylinder along a machined surface. All cylinders were replaced with replacement cylinders supplied by the manufacture which included a modification to the machined surface.
DETERMINED OUTCOME: This issue has been referred to CASA Airworthiness and Engineering section. As it is a registered LSA RAAus is limited in what it can do to resolve this issue. |
7/10/2017 |
OCC1178 |
Canberra |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
The aircraft engine surged 5 times during climb out, at approx. 3500 ASL. The pilot returned immedia...
The aircraft engine surged 5 times during climb out, at approx. 3500 ASL. The pilot returned immediately to Canberra airport, no further problems during remainder of the flight. The pilot ran an engine check after landing, magneto test & carby heat, all were OK. On close examination, the underside of the carburetor was found to have extensive fuel stains. New carburettor installed. No further issues identified. |
6/10/2017 |
OCC1163 |
Albany Regional Airport |
WA |
Jabiru |
J170C |
Jabiru |
2200B |
Normal take-off on RWY05. At approximately 300ft the engine suffered significant loss of power accom...
Normal take-off on RWY05. At approximately 300ft the engine suffered significant loss of power accompanied by vibration/rough running. With insufficient runway remaining to land, performed a gentle turn back towards the threshold of RWY14. The pilot found that with reduced throttle the engine could maintain about 1800rpm. The pilot elected to perform a tight sweeping approach back onto RWY05 (which was more into wind) rather than land downwind on 14. The landing was uneventful. Upon shutdown oil was found leaking from around the exhaust manifold #4 cylinder, the plugs on #4 cylinder were totally oiled up.
DETERMINED OUTCOME: This occurrence has been referred to CASA engineering and airworthiness branch and the manufacturer for further monitoring and action where required. It appears a valve failed. |
2/10/2017 |
OCC1160 |
Chinchilla |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
The pilot maintained too much pressure with their right foot on the rudder, resulting in the aircraf...
The pilot maintained too much pressure with their right foot on the rudder, resulting in the aircraft veering sharply to the right and hitting a tree sustaining minor damage.
DETERMINED OUTCOME: A detailed ground based review was conducted with CFI to revise strategies for control management and authority during critical flight phases. The student training records were reviewed and prior training deficiencies discussed. The aircraft has subsequently been fully repaired by the manufacturer and returned to service. |
1/10/2017 |
OCC1170 |
Caboolture |
Jabiru |
J160D |
Jabiru |
2200B |
During approach and again on final approach, the crew of a Cessna 172 observed the Jabiru in close p...
During approach and again on final approach, the crew of a Cessna 172 observed the Jabiru in close proximity. No radio calls were heard from the Jabiru.
The PIC of the Jabiru noted they were positioned outside the gable markers in the locally accepted location for run-ups. There are no taxiways or run up areas at Caboolture and no radio calls were received from the Cessna pilot. |
21/9/2017 |
OCC1151 |
Yerong creek |
Jabiru |
LSA 55 3J |
Jabiru |
22B |
The aircraft experienced an RWY excursion whilst attempting a go around.
Outcome: Loss of Control...
The aircraft experienced an RWY excursion whilst attempting a go around.
Outcome: Loss of Control (RLOC) whilst conducting missed approach. Member self analysis to undertake more practice on missed approaches and aircraft handling. No further action required at this time. |
9/9/2017 |
OCC1142 |
Coolah |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
The Jabiru was departing Coolah on gravel RWY08 and at the time of rotation appeared unable to climb...
The Jabiru was departing Coolah on gravel RWY08 and at the time of rotation appeared unable to climb under full power and appeared to be buffeted by wind shear forcing aircraft sharply to the left. As they were still at speed towards a fence, which was outside the cone markers and, parallel to the RWY the pilot had to make a decision to hit the fence or try to clear it. The aircraft came into contact with the fence and was subsequently flipped onto its back.
OUTCOME: The primary cause determined was the inability of the aircraft to reach minimum climb airspeed and maintain minimum control airspeed within the takeoff distance available resulting in an a Runway - Loss of Control accident (RLOC). Contributing factors were local convective conditions affecting wind direction. Members are reminded of the importance of selecting and referencing an appropriate takeoff rejection point based on environmental conditions presented at the time of the flight. |