Date Occurrence # Location State Aircraft Model Engine Model Summary
16/2/2018 OCC1293 Wollongong Airport NSW jabiru J230 jabiru 33A The pilot of a Jabiru taxied from the hanger to the run up area near HARS with the plane facing appr...
14/2/2018 OCC1292 Wollongong NSW Jabiru J160C Jabiru 2200 OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: DEFECT: Metal particulate found in oil filter during a routin...
11/2/2018 OCC1287 Orange Airport NSW Jabiru J160C Jabiru 2200B The pilot PIC took off downwind and aborted take-off, overshooting runway and colliding with a fence...
10/2/2018 OCC1295 Caboolture QLD Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A After an uneventful flight to Caloundra and Glass House Mountains area the aircraft joined the circu...
10/2/2018 OCC1282 1KM West of Tumut Airfield NSW Jabiru J170c Jabiru 2200B The pilot called inbound at 10mi out and had no reply, so started to descend from 5500ft. The pilot ...
4/2/2018 OCC1289 Griffith Airport NSW Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A During solo flight training, on the second landing the student encountered difficulty in controlling...
3/2/2018 OCC1278 Gawler SA Jabiru J160 Camit Aero 22SLRE A pilot called a mid field cross wind RWY 13 and to land on 31. The pilot did not see a glider that ...
20/1/2018 OCC1275 Mackay Aerodrome QLD Jabiru J230 Jabiru 3300 The pilot mistook a service road for a TWY and was redirected to the correct holding point. The airc...
11/1/2018 OCC1274 Bribie - Morton Island Crossing QLD Jabiru J400 Jabiru 3300A Airspace Infringement – the aircraft transiting between Bribie Is and Moreton Is climbed from A035 (...
4/1/2018 OCC1245 Murray Bridge SA Jabiru J230D Jabiru 3300A GA aircraft passed beneath RAAus aircraft within 100FT in the opposite direction within the Circuit ...
4/1/2018 OCC1246 5m NE of Cranbrook WA Jabiru J200 B Jabiru 3300 Departed YTLY at 10.30hrs with one passenger, climbed to 3000ft, after 15 minutes of flying, engine ...
24/12/2017 OCC1243 248 Top Somerton Road Attunga NSW Jabiru J400 Jabiru 3300A Pilot conducted a forced landing on a property in NSW. OUTCOME: pilot regularly flies the same ro...
7/12/2017 OCC1231 Orange NSW Jabiru J160 Jabiru 2200 J2200B The pilot landed aircraft while transmitting on the incorrect frequency. They appear to have bumped ...
3/12/2017 OCC1220 Private Airstrip, Emerald QLD Jabiru J230 Jabiru 3300 The aircraft ran off the airstrip and the nose wheel collapsed in mud. OUTCOME: The aircraft has ...
19/11/2017 OCC1210 Emkaytee Airfield NT Jabiru J230 Jabiru TBA The aircraft had about 48 litres in the fuel tanks. A preflight check was conducted with nothing unu...