Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
10/4/2021 |
OCC2355 |
Lismore |
Jabiru |
J200-B |
Camit |
3300 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Engine failure of mechanical nature due to number six cylind...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Engine failure of mechanical nature due to number six cylinder conrod failure. This resulted in a sudden stoppage of the engine from cruise power. Forced landing followed farm land with tall grass on water logged ground. The nose leg and propeller sustained damage during the landing; however, no injuries were sustained.
REVIEW: Camit engine seizure due to failure of number 6 conrod, resulting in further damage to camshaft. Engine removed and replaced with Rotax engine; however, before completion the aircraft and new engine installation was written off due to flood damage. |
10/4/2021 |
OCC2353 |
Coffs Harbour Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J170-D |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Immediately following touchdown, two birds flew out of grass...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Immediately following touchdown, two birds flew out of grass from the right of runway, across the front of aircraft. One bird struck upper left wing spar. No damage sustained to aircraft. Bird activity seemed much higher than usual this morning.
RAAus continues to monitor bird strike and wildlife reports at aerodromes to ensure correct ERSA/NOTAM information is in place. |
27/3/2021 |
OCC2354 |
Oakland - Jereilderie |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Cruising at 2500ft (approx. 500ft below broken cloud). The en...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Cruising at 2500ft (approx. 500ft below broken cloud). The engine suddenly lost power and revs, the pilot pulled on the carby heat, switched on the electric fuel pump, trimmed for best rate of decent and began selecting suitable landing spots. The engine was still running at 2200rpm so the pilot decided to land while still under reduced power. They turned down wind to cover more ground and selected suitable paddock noting fences, trees and looking for power lines. Turning into the wind the pilot selected 1st flap, reduced power to idle and landed as the stall warning started to sound. The motor still running, so the pilot turned off all switches and exited the aircraft. |
26/3/2021 |
OCC2333 |
Shellharbour Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J160C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Whilst conducting dual Engine Failure After Take OFF (EFATO) ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Whilst conducting dual Engine Failure After Take OFF (EFATO) revision, the student did one EFATO and landed firmly but acceptably then taxied to runway threshold for another attempt.
After take-off the instructor pulled the throttle back to idle at approx. 50 feet. The student lowered nose, then immediately flared, too high and a high rate descent ensued after which a very heavy landing took place.
The aircraft bounced back into the air, the instructor tried to apply full throttle and forward stick but was unable in the time available to prevent a second extremely heavy landing which damaged the landing-gear, propeller and fuselage.
RAAus has interacted with the Senior Instructor who has made some changes to the processes for conduct of EFATO to prevent a recurrence. |
24/3/2021 |
OCC2332 |
Innisfail Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J-160C |
Jabiru |
2200A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During take-off on runway 14 at Innisfail airport, QLD, the P...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During take-off on runway 14 at Innisfail airport, QLD, the PIC observed passing overhead another aircraft simultaneously rolling on runway 03. The pilot tried to call the other aircraft, but without any success. Prior to departure, the pilot followed normal communication procedure advising of taxiing, holding short, backtracking and lining up on Runway 14 whilst maintaining a good lookout. The pilot did not see any other traffic, confirming an assumption that another aircraft previously seen on the ground had departed.
The pilot had a process to confirm correct radio frequency, but believes they inadvertently pressed the frequency change button and switched to the standby frequency on their radio. The pilot identified their error with the incorrect frequency selected, however was unable to contact the other aircraft in flight. The next day, the pilot was able to contact the pilot of the other aircraft in order to discuss the incident at length via phone. The pilot advised that they have amended their own departure checklist to ensure that they have processes in place to confirm the frequency in use.
Pilots are reminded to ensure thorough checks are in place to ensure correct radio frequency is selected and operation of their radio is confirmed - This may be achieved by requesting a radio check prior to takeoff where this is possible. Pilots should also ensure a thorough lookout is maintained and not make an assumption that no other traffic is operating in the vicinity if no radio calls are heard. This example is a great demonstration of a pilot acknowledging their mistake, reporting this occurrence and reviewing procedures to ensure a repeat occurrence does not take place in the future. This pilot is to be commended for reporting this issue and enabling other pilots to learn from their experience. |
17/3/2021 |
OCC2330 |
Murray Bridge Aerodrome |
SA |
Jabiru |
J170-D |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: A student and instructor were conducting a navigation exercis...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: A student and instructor were conducting a navigation exercise. Upon arrival at the first aerodrome there were several aircraft in the circuit and a significant cross wind was noted which required the instructor to prompt the student. The aircraft landed heavily and bounced, the instructor then initiated a go-around and flew back to base. A crack in the undercarriage leg was noted on arrival. RAAus Flight Operations staff mentored the instructor on personal minimums with students and the challenge implicit in letting the student operate to the extent of their experience to assist in learning and intervening in time to protect themselves and the aircraft. |
7/3/2021 |
OCC2316 |
Dixons Creek |
Jabiru |
J200-B |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft was flying towards Lilydale 7.5 miles out when i...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft was flying towards Lilydale 7.5 miles out when it experienced a partial engine failure. This then became a total engine failure and the pilot completed a forced landing on a private airstrip. Review with the owner has indicated it could have been carburettor ice however the fuel pump and the 2 fuel caps have been replaced as a precaution. No further concerns have been observed since this occurrence. |
15/2/2021 |
OCC2301 |
Narromine Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: While manoeuvring, the pilot of a glider observed a Jabiru on...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: While manoeuvring, the pilot of a glider observed a Jabiru on a reciprocal track at the same level and both pilots took avoiding action. The two aircraft passed in close proximity. The Jabiru pilot reported making radio calls but not hearing any from the glider.
The pilot has since completed a review with a CFI specifically focusing on the application of appropriate flight planning including awareness of NOTAMs, avoidance of aerodromes where increased collision risk was likely, the use of correct radio phraseology when intending to transit non-controlled aerodromes, appropriate responses to radio transmissions with aircraft in possible conflict with a planned track, CAR 166C requirements for mandatory broadcasting, considerations of track or height mitigation to reduce the potential for conflict with other aircraft " in the vicinity" of YNRM, recommended hemispherical cruising levels and reporting requirements with RAAus and ATSB.
Members are encouraged to review CAAP 166 and the CASA "Be seen, be heard, be safe" information |
31/1/2021 |
OCC2273 |
Orange Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J160-C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During the landing phase with a student and instructor aboard...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During the landing phase with a student and instructor aboard, the aircraft veered left off the runway, potentially due to a crosswind, before coming to a stop after hitting a fence post. The student was not successful in applying sufficient rudder to prevent the aircraft leaving the runway and will undergo retraining. RAAus reminds members to maintain currency in all flight maneuvers and to set personal minimums before going flying. |
27/1/2021 |
OCC2277 |
Adelaide |
SA |
Jabiru |
J230C |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Right side seat moved back causing damage to right hand aile...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Right side seat moved back causing damage to right hand aileron attachment.
OUTCOME: Aircraft repaired and returned to service. |
18/1/2021 |
OCC2255 |
Near Archerfield Airport |
Jabiru |
J-230D |
Jabiru |
Jabiru 3300A - Gen4 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Strong engine vibrations were detected during cruise. The pil...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Strong engine vibrations were detected during cruise. The pilot requested an emergency landing at Archerfield Airport and conducted a steep decent with full flap and normal landing.
A review conducted by a LAME found no problem and could not reproduce the vibrations. The pilot then carried out a circuit and found the vibration to still be occurring. This was subsequently reviewed by the factory who identified a broken outer inlet spring on cylinder number 3. |
12/1/2021 |
OCC2247 |
South Grafton Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Jabiru |
33A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On take-off kangaroos ran across the field, power was reduce...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On take-off kangaroos ran across the field, power was reduced, one Kangaroo suddenly changed direction and ran back in front of the aircraft's path resulting in it being hit
Inspection of the aircraft and propeller indicated no damage. subsequent test flight indicated no damage.
Kangaroos are listed in ERSA as a Hazard |
4/1/2021 |
OCC2238 |
Bundaberg |
Jabiru |
SP470 |
Camit |
CAE 2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The hinge pin had frozen in the hinge tabs.
The pilot of a ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The hinge pin had frozen in the hinge tabs.
The pilot of a Jabiru SP470 was conducting a full free and movement when the control stuck, on checking, the pilot found the right hand aileron hanging down, and the complete hinge had broken off.
CASA have issued an airworthiness notice to address this issue as this is a commonly identified defect. Members are reminded of the importance in reviewing and carrying out airworthiness notices applicable to their aircraft. |
2/1/2021 |
OCC2240 |
Wedderburn Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J230D |
Camit |
335 LRE |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot was conducting circuits on 17 and on the third cir...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The pilot was conducting circuits on 17 and on the third circuit the engine totally failed just after turning crosswind. The pilot was able to land the aircraft uneventfully. On inspection, it was found that the piston in number 5 cylinder had disintegrated. |
31/12/2020 |
OCC2237 |
Gingin North Aerodrome |
WA |
Jabiru |
J170C |
Jabiru |
J2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Whilst practising forced landing simulations overhead Gingin...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Whilst practising forced landing simulations overhead Gingin North ALA, the engine was run at idle power for a considerable time, with short increases of power to 1800 RPM to clear the engine. When the pilot went to increase power to abort the simulation, the engine ran rough. The pilot elected to land on the runway at Gingin North ALA.
The engine was inspected and it was determined that the spark plug on one cylinder has fouled. The spark plugs were replaced, the engine tested and the aircraft was flown back to its home airport of Muchea Greenside (YGSD), a distance of 16NM. |