Date |
Occurrence # |
Location |
State |
Aircraft |
Model |
Engine |
Model |
Summary |
17/11/2021 |
OCC2637 |
Jindabyne Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J120C |
Jabiru |
2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The training aircraft had just landed after a dual training l...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The training aircraft had just landed after a dual training lesson of circuits. On backtracking down the runway to the exit taxiway, another aircraft landed straight towards them. The instructor pulled off the runway outside the gable markers but the second aircraft pulled up abruptly on the runway, conducted a 180 degree turn, returned to the threshold of the runway and departed the airfield, by which time the instructor had cleared the runway. At no time were any radio calls received to advise of the presence of this second aircraft and its intentions and it did not respond to calls from the training aircraft.
The pilot of the second aircraft was contacted and advised the radio was intermittently not working. Pilots are reminded of the requirement under Part 91.245 and Manual of Standards Chapter 10.d to ensure the radio and other equipment aboard if working correctly prior to flight. |
7/11/2021 |
OCC2586 |
Clifton Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
230 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Whilst on final approach to runway 24 at Clifton, a VH regist...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Whilst on final approach to runway 24 at Clifton, a VH registered aircraft did a low level turn in front of an RAAus aircraft and cut them off. The VH registered aircraft then landed long and overran in the end section of the runway. The RAAus pilot commenced a go around and landed. The RAAus pilot confirmed their radio was operating correctly and reports that they did not hear the incoming aircraft. As this occurrence involves a VH registered aircraft, it has been forwarded to CASA for review.
RAAus reminds all pilots of the importance of maintaining standard circuit procedures as well as the use of radio calls where required and maintaining an active lookout at all times. |
6/11/2021 |
OCC2585 |
Latrobe Regional Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
160C |
Jabiru |
Gen 4 2200 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: As the aircraft approached the airport from the east the pilo...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: As the aircraft approached the airport from the east the pilot gave 10m and 5m calls and joined midfield crosswind for runway 03, diverting for parachutes. The pilot re-joined long downwind 30 and landed and gave calls for joining downwind, joining base and joining final. When the aircraft was back in the hangar the pilot was advised by an instructor that there had been two other aircraft in the pattern but they were using runway 21. The other aircraft had attempted to call but the pilot did not answer. It was then the pilot discovered they had not changed to the CTAF frequency when returning from a local flight.
The pilot has now initiated corrective actions to ensure the correct frequency is selected when returning to an airport and will not assume there is no traffic just because there are no calls. |
30/10/2021 |
OCC2573 |
R234 Airspace Edinburgh |
SA |
Jabiru |
J160 D |
CAMIT Aero |
2.2 SLRE |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Operating around R234 Airspace near Edinburgh SA, noted steps...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: Operating around R234 Airspace near Edinburgh SA, noted steps from 1500' to 4500' were active from 10:00am in the morning when the pilot checked NAIPS, with the intention to depart Gawler Airfield at 9:30 am for Clare Valley Airfield. The pilot however, got delayed and left at 10:05am, climbing to 2500' in R233A - R233B not active training airspace. The pilot forgot that the R243 was now active when entering it at 2500' and was not monitoring the area frequency 130.45 initially to be contacted, due to extra volume of Gawler CTAF 126.55 traffic in the training area. They realised their mistake when departing the R234 airspace.
The pilot will ensure for future flight planning that airspace activation times are noted on their flight planning information to ensure a repeat does not occur. |
27/10/2021 |
OCC2567 |
Shellharbour Aerodrome |
Jabiru |
J230C |
Jabiru |
3300 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The student was solo under supervision, with the instructor i...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The student was solo under supervision, with the instructor in a position clear of the runway but close to a taxiway to observe. The student made a radio call which the instructor did not hear clearly as another aircraft was taking off nearby. The instructor allowed the student to concentrate on flying the aircraft as their first priority, believing if there was a problem the student would do a full-stop landing.
The instructor watched as student flew a base-leg which looked high, made a high approach which appeared too fast, then rounded out well but landed flat, bounced off the nose-wheel, ballooned, bounced off the nose-wheel a second time, ballooned again, bounced off the nose-wheel heavily a third time and did a go-round.
The instructor tried to contact student via handheld radio to ask if there was a problem with no reply heard from student. The instructor asked another aircraft in the circuit if they could hear them and the other aircraft replied "reading you 5." The student was, however communicating with the other aircraft in the circuit.
As the student was not responding to radio calls from the instructor they did four more circuits, landing well each time. The instructor used the radio to advise the student to maintain correct approach airspeed on the circuit after the bounced landing, which resulted in a very good landing but there was still no response from the student on the radio so the instructor had no way of knowing if the student was hearing them or not.
After returning the aircraft to the parking area instructor observed propeller-tips squared off (prop-strike), nose-wheel spat damaged and the transponder-antenna bent.
When asked if they had heard the instructor on the radio, the student said they had not heard until the instructor was talking to them on the approach for the circuit following the one where the bounced landing took place.
The student had not flown recently due to COVID restrictions and will undertake further remedial training. |
11/10/2021 |
OCC2568 |
Gruyure |
Jabiru |
SP500 |
Jabiru |
3300 |
The aircraft departed from YLTV for a flight to Swan Hill. 30 minutes into flight there was a sudden...
The aircraft departed from YLTV for a flight to Swan Hill. 30 minutes into flight there was a sudden severe engine shuddering. The pilot was unable to re-start the engine so adopted best glide speed and made a glide approach for uphill landing in a paddock. The approach speed was 55 knots. The pilot attempted flare/round out but the nose would not lift sufficiently due to no prop wash over ailerons and the significant field upslope. Resulting in a heavy landing with damage to nose wheel and main legs. Time from engine failure to landing estimated 60-90 seconds. |
9/10/2021 |
OCC2581 |
Temora |
Jabiru |
J160-C |
Camit |
2200 |
After thousands of landings the mounting bracket holding a spat part sheared off. There was no indi...
After thousands of landings the mounting bracket holding a spat part sheared off. There was no indication of a problem during the recent annual. |
23/9/2021 |
OCC2545 |
Port Augusta |
SA |
Jabiru |
J230-D |
Jabiru |
3300A |
Flying enroute from YMBD to YPAG, the tachometer ceased working and was noticed immediately, checks ...
Flying enroute from YMBD to YPAG, the tachometer ceased working and was noticed immediately, checks of circuit breakers were OK. The pilot noticed the Centre Zero Ammeter Gauge and Voltmeter Gauge had both dropped from previously noted position and asked the passenger to monitor both and report any changes. A screeching sound came from the engine, it started and changed in time with variation in RPM. Oil temp and pressure gauges remained normal and the engine continued to be responsive. The pilot continued the flight until within glide range of Stirling North ALA, then opted to continue the flight to YPAG whilst always remaining within gliding distance to either field due to better facilities and resources at YPAG.
A normal landing was conducted at YPAG and the engine continued to run at all times until shut down on the parking ramp. The cowlings were removed, the engine restarted and noise monitored externally by another pilot who ascertained that the screeching sound was coming from the rear of the engine. The engine was again shut down and broken copper wire windings on the stator were observed. After phone calls and photos were sent to an L2, it was determined that 2 of the 6 flywheel bolts were sheared off. After physical inspection and dismantling by a LAME, it was discovered that a further bolt had sheared but not detached, and a fourth bolt was more than half sheared (it broke whilst being removed). |
17/9/2021 |
OCC2547 |
Lake Samsonvale |
Jabiru |
J160-C |
Jabiru |
Gen4 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The flight was from the Wivenhoe Dam Wall tracking for Redcli...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The flight was from the Wivenhoe Dam Wall tracking for Redcliffe, the pilot had previously requested clearance from Brisbane ATC to clear terrain but were refused even though CTA traffic was minimal.
The aircraft was at 2700ft on descent to 2500ft west of Lake Samsonvale aiming to be at 2500ft by the highway just west of the ATC boundary, when ATC informed them they had violated CTR. At no time did the pilot believe that they had penetrated CTR. At this time, a transponder code was provided and the flight continued to Redcliffe and onwards to Caloundra OCTA.
Upon landing at Caloundra the pilot was contacted by Australian Search and Rescue as they had not cancelled SARWATCH or Flight Following. At no time did the pilot request a SAR or Flight Following and ATC did not advise them that this had been implemented.
No corroborating report was provided from Airservices, no further action was taken. |
12/9/2021 |
OCC2529 |
Ballina |
Jabiru |
J170 |
Jabiru |
2200B |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: It was reported that the aircraft had radio issues so the pi...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: It was reported that the aircraft had radio issues so the pilot returned to Lismore.
On inspection it was found that there was a broken wire in the pilots PTT switch under the control grip. A new PTT wiring harness was fitted. |
4/9/2021 |
OCC2523 |
Renmark Aerodrome |
SA |
Jabiru |
J160 |
Jabiru |
22B-192 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On a flight from Callington to Renmark, and approx. 2-3 Miles...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On a flight from Callington to Renmark, and approx. 2-3 Miles from Renmark the pilot of the RAAus aircraft called their approach from South East, descending from 3500ft. Approx. 30 to 60 secs later they observed a Glasair aircraft to starboard, approx. 200-300 metres horizontally and at their level, on climb, heading toward them. The pilot estimated the other aircraft would have cleared above them by 200 to 300ft
Both aircraft saw each other at the same time and veered to avoid conflict. The pilots communicated via radio and it is believed a miscommunication about the inbound aircraft may have resulted in the proximity event. |
2/9/2021 |
OCC2518 |
Flinders Is. |
Jabiru |
Jabiru UL-T |
Jabiru |
2200 Gen 2 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: At approx. 800' ASL inbound to Lady Barron and about to make ...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: At approx. 800' ASL inbound to Lady Barron and about to make an inbound traffic broadcast the aircraft's engine started running very rough, then after about 30 seconds stopped completely. The pilot made a Mayday call on the Flinders Is. CTAF, then selected the nearest suitable clearing in the Tea tree scrub below and executed a forced landing without further incident. After exiting the aircraft, the pilot noticed that the aircraft's propeller was missing and that the propeller mounting bolts had all been sheared off. |
28/8/2021 |
OCC2514 |
Thargomindah |
Jabiru |
SP470 |
Jabiru |
2200A |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On the take-off roll, on a solid sandy loam strip, the airc...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: On the take-off roll, on a solid sandy loam strip, the aircraft lurched left when the nose left the ground. Full right rudder was applied and as the edge of the runway approached (where there was a rill of dirt) the aircraft was coaxed off the ground in ground effect, straightened and manoeuvred back to the runway, where the aircraft touched both main wheels on the ground at an angle for a short period and then lifted off. Control was secured flying straight and level while the aircraft accelerated and then climbed out. At about 300ft AGL a dull thump started, and was later later determined to be the right hand landing gear which had broken away approx. 20cm above the lower bend and was being held in the air by the brake line.
A steady climb was achieved and flight at about 70kt was suitable to stop the thumping and all control surfaces were working well. A friend on the ground was contacted and was asked check the aircraft as it flew overhead. It was suspected that there may have been an undercarriage issue and this was confirmed.
The emergency services had been contacted and were on their way to the airfield. While waiting for the emergency services to arrive at the airfield, the aircraft climbed to 3000 ft AMSL and practiced stalls and then returned for a practice flyover so the ground crew could see what the issue was and land on the next time around on the dirt runway. The aux fuel pump had been running and the airspeed was about 65-70 kt. The aircraft was not able to gain height and the pilot was only doing gentle turns to (avoid a stall spin) due to concerns that the wheel could dislodge and hit a control surface. On the downwind leg abeam the threshold the engine stopped (possible carry icing). A glide speed of 60 kt was adopted and a gentle turn made towards the field. Fuel and all switches were shut off and the aircraft landed inside the fence in rocky but tree-free area. On impact the aircraft was doing about 35-40 kt and skidded to a stop with the tail raising to about a 50 degree angle off the ground then settled down. The pilot exited the aircraft. |
10/8/2021 |
OCC2505 |
Bundey Bore |
SA |
Jabiru |
J230 |
Jabiru |
J3300 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During landing on a gusty day, as the aircraft was about thre...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: During landing on a gusty day, as the aircraft was about three quarters of the way along the runway, a gust of wind picked up the right wing, the aircraft veered off into the scrub and the pilot was not successful in keeping the aircraft straight. The nose wheel made contact with a clumpy bush, caused the spat to jam the wheel and stop turning. The aircraft flipped vertically as a result and ended up on its back.
Once the aircraft was repaired the pilot completed a Biennial Flight Review with RAAus Flight Operations focusing on ensuring stabilised approaches and airspeeds and go-around assessments. |
27/7/2021 |
OCC2498 |
Mandurah Aerodrome |
WA |
Jabiru |
ST3 |
Jabiru |
2200J60 |
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft was tied down at airfield when a severe storm o...
OCCURRENCE DETAILS SUBMITTED TO RAAUS: The aircraft was tied down at airfield when a severe storm overnight broke the tie downs and aircraft flipped upside down. |